The purpose of the study is to reveal the preconditions for the formation and development of diplomatic systems and training of diplomatic personnel in the Visegrad Group states (V4) in 1991 – 2004. The Research Methodology. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, system, science, as well as the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical and typological, historical and systemic) methods. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in the Ukrainian and foreign science the preconditions for formation of diplomatic systems and training of diplomatic personnel in the Visegrad Group states (V4) (1991 – 2004) have been considered in organic unity; the groups of external and internal factors have been singled out, which influenced these processes; the peculiarities of the formation and development of diplomatic systems and training of relevant specialists in each of the Visegrad Group states (V4) have been analyzed. The Conclusions. The singled out factors that influenced the formation and development of diplomatic systems and diplomatic personnel training in the Visegrad Group states (V4) (1991 – 2004) are conditionally grouped into external ones (macro-factors: the collapse of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the communist regime, the acquisition of independence and sovereignty by Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the organization of diplomatic services of these states, strengthening one's own image at the international level, participation of the states in international structures, international policy, EU educational initiatives, etc.) and domestic (meso- and micro-factors: the socio-political situation in the Visegrad Group states (V4), the development of the diplomatic service, the foreign policy course of the state, the official policy of Visegrad and the Bologna system, the national educational policy of each of the states, the appropriate regulatory framework, the development of higher education in each of the states, educational systems in the Soviet Union and in Ukraine, where specialists in international relations were also trained, foreign language education as a priority public policy, etc.). These groups of determinants are interconnected and form a complex system that programmed the creation of diplomatic services, the development of diplomatic education in the Visegrad Group states (V4).
Key words: the Visegrad Group states (V4), Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, diplomatic system, training of diplomatic personnel.
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