The purpose of the research is to reveal how the process of researching issues related to the origin, formation and development of the Polish state from ancient times to Rzeczpospolita was reflected on the pages of the journal “Kwartalnik Historyczny”. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, systematization, scientificity, verification, authorial objectivity, moderate narrative constructivism, as well as the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical genetic, historical typological, historical systemic) methods The scientific novelty is to present a discussion on the pages of the journal “Kwartalnik Historyczny” issues on the history of the Polish state: the origin, formation and its political and legal functioning. The latter is of utmost importance in the context of attempts to create synthesis on the history of Poland at the beginning of the XXth century, which was joined, first of all, by historians of state and law. The Conclusions. As we can see, many issues from the history of Poland from ancient times to Rzeczpospolita were covered in numerous studies, critical and source materials on the journal’s pages. The most numerous group of materials devoted to this epoch were critical reviews and studies of political history, in the study of which scholars appealed to the time of the creation of the state and its greatest power. The authors of the journal dealt with a very wide range of topics: from the ancient state’s name genesis, clarifying the history of the persons of the founding princes and builders of the state to the influence of geographical factors on its development features. The Polish statehood’s restoration in 1918 forced the researchers of the time to draw parallels: first of all, with the plots of ancient Poland, second of all, with the times of its greatest economic and political power in the XVIth – at the beginning of the XVIIth centuries, inspiring reflection on the development models of the most optimal functioning of the Second Rzeczpospolita.
Key words: Polish historiography, historical press, journal “Kwartalnik Historyczny”, history of the Polish state.
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