The purpose of the article is to make a detailed historical and source review of the book of the Lviv city council (1460 – 1506). This article focuses on the study of the following issues: the history of the creation and existence of the council book from the second half of the 15th century to this day; authors of texts, city scribes and their handwriting; historical and source features of the book, the total number of entries in German and Latin. The Sources and Novelty of the Research: The main source of research is the Lviv council book and its entries for 1460 – 1506. The review of scientific interest in entries from the Lviv council book of 1460 – 1506 testifies to the great potential of historical information, only partially used in the works of researchers of the 19th and 20th centuries. The lack of a full-fledged scientific publication has led to a limited number of people who could benefit from the information of this valuable source. The Methodology of the Research is based on historical and source approaches in investigation of historical documents. The Conclusions. The Lviv city counsil book of the second half of the 15th century remains today the council’s oldest book at the territory of modern Ukraine. Avoiding the consequences of natural disasters and the human factor, the manuscript was constantly in the collection of documents of Lviv magistrate, which changed its location several times. The book was used by ancient chroniclers of Lviv, updating valuable information on the history of the city. The manuscript was a product of the city chancellery, the city clerks, among whom there were well-known humanists of the late Middle Ages, were engaged in making final records. The book includes both administrative and judicial entries of counсil government, which show the full life of the city community.
Key words: book of city council, Lviv of the medieval period, city scribes, city chancery, gothic handwriting.
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