The purpose of the research isto identify the main tendencies of themodern scientific discourse concerning the issue’sevolution interpretation in early modern times of the name “Ukraine”. The methodology of the research involves the comparative studies’ methods symbiosis usage, contextual analysis, convergence from the abstract to the concrete and vice versa. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the basic laws of modern scientific discourse in Ukraine, connected with the understanding of the name “Ukraine” functioning in early modern Ukraine and derived concepts: the “Ukrainian people”, the “Ukrainians”. The thematic and conceptual echo between modern interpretations has been traced, the scientific innovations which have appeared recently were allocated, perspective directions of the further researches were outlined. The Conclusions. In the first decades of the XXIst century there has been a renewed research focus on interpretations of the past functioning of the name “Ukraine”, but the emphasis shifted from the problems of the origin and original semantics of this concept to clarify the peculiarities of its use in early modern times. In particular, the concept’scirculation among the Ukrainian nobility and the Cossacks, the place of names “Ukraine”, the “Ukrainian people”, the “Ukrainians” in the practices of the Hetmanate’selite until the end ofthe 70-ies of the ХVIIth century, the functioning of the concept of “Ukraine” in the Cossack narratives of the XVIIIth century was considered. Two important tendencies of scientific discourse were singled out: the evolution of the name “Ukraine” did not go beyond the geographical-territorial framework; the name “Ukraine” became a political name, and the terms the “Ukrainian people” and the “Ukrainians” became the Hetmanate’s elite marker of the identity.
Key words: Ukraine, theUkrainians, the Ukrainian people, modern historiography,scientific discourse, concept, keytendencies.
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