The purpose of the research consists in the attempt to differentiate the problems of socialization of “Afghan” soldiers in Ukraine during the 1980s chronologically and thematically. The scientific novelty – for the first time in the Ukrainian historiography the materials of the official publication have been analyzed in order to cover the problems of “Afghan” soldiers in Ukraine of the period under analysis. The Conclusions. Some aspects of the problem of socialization of “Afghan” soldiers began to be analyzed in 1986 – 1987 against the background of the “opening” of war to the society of that time with a message to “open” the soldiers themselves, the organization of “Afghan” soldiers societies (clubs, sections of "soldiers-internationalists") and their involvement into the education of the younger generation, the need to preserve the memory of their fallen comrades. The coverage of the socialization problems of “Afghan” soldiers at the national level took place in the second half of 1987. Despite the measures developed by the Secretariat for state support of “Afghans”, which were published by the newspaper “KZ”, there were still problems with the Komsomol organizations patronage over young veterans and families of fallen servicemen, there were problems with veterans' societies, in particular, concerning financial and material support, which was covered by this newspaper. The role of the newspaper is important in publishing the letters of participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan on the problems of the state support of "Afghan" soldiers and families of fallen soldiers. Such official publications require further elucidation of comprehensive information on the “Afghan” movement in the USSR, the problems of re-socialization of veterans, implementation of the state policy towards them, reflections of “Afghan” soldiers on the state policy on these issues; intensification of the search of a source base for a comprehensive study of the socialization problems of “Afghan” soldiers in the USSR in 1980 – 1991.
Key words: “Afghan” soldiers, Central Committee of the Young Communist League of Ukraine, “Komsomolskoe Znamia”, socialization, adaptation, state support.
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