The purpose of the research is to cover the repressive policy of the Soviet government towards the Ukrainian intelligentsia during the 1930s on the example of the archival and investigative case analysis on H. S. Tymofiyiv, the director of Babanska secondary school. The research methodology is based on scientific principles of objectivity, historical reliability and information value of the found documents. There have been used special historical methods, general scientific, interdisciplinary, personalized analysis, etc. The source base of the study is based on previously unavailable archival materials of the regional branch of the Sectoral Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) at the State Archives of Cherkasy region. The scientific novelty of the research is to establish historical justice concerning the past of the Ukrainian people, rethinking social transformations in the retrospect against the background of modern conditions of the Ukrainian independence defending. The Conclusions. Based on historical and scientific analysis, it has been proven that during the 1930s the Soviet government established unconstitutional extrajudicial bodies with unlimited rights. In accordance with their resolutions and orders, a simplified litigation procedure was applied in the case on Hryhoriy Stepanovych Tymofiyiv, an educator from Uman region. According to the criminal case fabricated by Babansky district department of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the Ukrainian SSR, which is full of falsified testimonies of witnesses and reports with a lack of the crime evidence and denial of the guilt in "the counterrevolutionary nationalist activity" by the accused, H. S. Tymofiyiv was convicted twice (in 1937 – imprisonment, in 1950 – eviction). Only in 1956, owing to the work of prosecutorial supervision, the complaints of H. S. Tymofiyiv and his wife, the case was reviewed and closed by the Military Board of the Supreme Court of the USSR. H. S. Tymofiyiv was rehabilitated.
Key words: Hryhoriy Stepanovych Tymofiyiv, repressive and punitive system, archival and investigative case, accusation, Babanska secondary school.
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