The purpose of the research – to elucidate the positive and negative aspects of the relationship between the Ukrainian and Jewish communities of the towns of Right-Bank Ukraine during the period of the Ukrainian People's Republic Directory. The elucidation of this issue is based on the works of historians-predecessors and the available source base. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of a definite concrete historical approach or historicism, objectivity, comprehensiveness and integrity, systematicity, as well as the use of the following methods: analysis and synthesis, historical genetic, historical comparative, historical typological, problem chronological. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in historiography, on the one hand, vivid examples of cooperation between the Ukrainians and the Jews in the Right-Bank towns have been elucidated, on the other hand, – there have been elucidated the anti-Jewish excesses, associated with the pogroms of the Jewish communities in 1919 – 1920; there have been highlighted the causes of the pogrom actions by the Ukrainian army, insurgents and peasants. The Conclusions. The era of the Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic is marked by both positive and negative events in the life of the Ukrainian and Jewish communities in the Right-Bank towns. On the one hand, the Jews welcomed the restoration of the UPR, and the Ukrainians helped them prepare for Jewish national holidays. Together, these ethnic groups conducted activities of their educational societies. Some Jews helped the Ukrainian people in the struggle for the state independence. The Jews materially supported the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, and fought in the Ukrainian army. On the other hand, the period under study is marked by anti-Jewish excesses, which, to a large extent, were provoked by the commitment of the Jews to the Bolsheviks, the Jews ignored the mobilization measures of the Ukrainian government. The result of this inconsistency of the Jewish minority was the pogroms with human casualties committed by certain units of the UPR Army, as well as the insurgent atamans. There were at least 131 such pogroms. The urban peasants-Ukrainians were also "noted" for the pogroms, for whom the Jews, with whom they coexisted within one settlement were, first of all, exploiters, speculators, and only then the Bolsheviks. Such cases of pogroms were recorded in 26 towns. A number of sources indicate that the Ukrainian authorities tried to provide all possible material and legal assistance to the Jews, who suffered from the pogroms.
Key words: town, the Jews, community, army, pogroms.
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