The purpose of the research is to consider some important propaedeutic aspects of the interpretation of the Vistnyk cultural-nationalist concept, appealing to the experience of the founder of the Vistnyk tradition – the famous philosopher, publicist and editor Dmytro Dontsov. The Methodology of the Research.Taking the purpose and tasks of the study into account, the methodological basis is clearly interdisciplinary. The epistemological potential of national philosophy as a philosophy of national existence, national science as a theory of nation, hermeneutics as a theory and practice of interpretation and post-colonialism as the interpretation of cultural phenomena from the standpoint of anti- and post-imperial consciousness is used in the work. The scientific novelty is that on the basis of the national-hermeneutic generalization and working definition of the concept of cultural nationalism, a propedeutic outlining of this phenomenon in the discourse of the founder of the Vistnyk tradition of Dmytro Dotsntsov is proposed. The Conclusions.The study covers the concept of cultural nationalism in general and outlines the most important elements of the concept of cultural nationalism within the ideology of D. Dontsov’s willed nationalism. It is about the cultural dimension of the concepts of nationalism and national idea, national identity and national imperative. Other elements of the conception of the thinker also need more clarification: aesthetics, traditions, historiosophy, the national way of interpretation, religion, the system of values, the national Church, the religiosity of nationalism, the civilizational choice of Ukrainian, the national ideal, etc. The Dontsov’s concept has an exceptional historical and genetic importance, as it has in a decisive way influenced the emergence of the ideological basis of such unique cultural and historical phenomena in the interwar period, such as vistnykivstvo and organized nationalism.
Key words: Dmytro Dontsov, nation, culture, nationalism, imperialism, international cooperation, multicultural education.
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