The purpose of the study is the analysis of the provocative role and sabotage-intelligence nature of the actions of the Soviet underground and partisans against the Nazi regime and the Ukrainian nationalist underground at the territory of “Halychyna” District. The study methodology is based on the application of a complex of historical (problem-historical, chronological, retrospective, synchronic), political (comparative, structural functional, systematic analysis, normative) and general scientific (analytical and synthetic, inductive and deductive) methods. The scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time in modern Ukrainian historiography an attempt has been made to do a comprehensive comparative analysis of the sabotage-intelligence activities of the Soviet security and military intelligence groups at the territory of “Halychyna” District of the General Governorate. The Conclusions. Therefore, based on the historical study, we can conclude that the characterization of the hostilities at the territory of Galicia, especially since the summer of 1943, should not neglect the existence and influence of intelligence-sabotage groups and individual agents of the state security agencies of the USSR and the UkrSSR and Intelligence Directorate General of the Red Army General Staff, the Soviet organized underground and partisan formations. The revealed archival documents together with other critically treated historiography make it possible to confirm a significant external factor in the organizational design of the pro-Soviet underground and partisan movement. At the same time, despite frequent effective actions against the Nazi occupation administration and the Wehrmacht, the struggle of the Soviet underground and partisans did not receive the support of the local, especially dominant Ukrainian population.
Keywords: “Halychyna” district, armed struggle, the Soviet factor, intelligence and sabotage groups.
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