The purpose of the research is to depict how different interpretations of the most actual questions of the theme are presented in the historiography of the studying subject in Poland. The research methodology is based on the methods of comparative and critical analysis as well as on the principle of scientific objectivity by the characteristics of main works that were published in Poland on the theme under analysis. The scientific novelty of the article is a critical analysis of interpretation of the reasons, course, and results of conflicts between the Polish and Ukrainian underground forces in Polish historiography during the last decades. The Conclusions: By the analyzing the works on the history of inter-ethnic wars the obvious tendency can be observed: inclination of some authors to impose reception of these conflicts exclusively from the point of view of their participants aiming at obtaining the empathy for “our own” victims with silence over “alien victims” of these confrontations. The studying the Polish-Ukrainian relations during the years of the German-Soviet War by many authors in Poland can be the typical example of wide-spreading of such tendencies. Despite many works on the subject that were published in this country, it is still topical the need of critical scholar studies of the reasons, forms, and results of the animosity between the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK) on one side, and Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists headed by Stepan Bandera (OUN-B) as well as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukraїnska Povstancha Armiya, the UPA) on other side in 1943 – 1944. More research is needed to develop new space for much deeper reception of this difficult for resolving historical problem that will help historians to understand real roots, forms and consequences of these hostilities. Main attention of studying problematic is devoted mainly to depicting the theme of losses of the Polish civilian population during this confrontation while many other important questions for understanding the reasons, character and development of this conflict still need further studying (clarifying the number of the Ukrainian victims of confrontation between AK and the UPA armed formations, the comparative analysis of forms and scales of crimes committed by their soldiers against the civil population, attempts to stop the confrontations by negotiations between representatives of the Ukrainian and Polish underground forces, the influence of the Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on the worsening of the Ukrainian-Polish relations, etc.). The clarifying of reasons for conflict, political responsibility for its consequences, the number of deaths have a special significance for understanding the complex of confrontations between AK and the UPA in the future scholar works, which must be freed from one-sided national prejudices.
Key words: the Polish underground, the Ukrainian underground, confrontation, the German-Soviet War, historiography in Poland, reception.
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