The aim of the study It was shown that the activity of the Ukrainian film studios during the period of the Perestroika process of 1985-1991 is an important page of the history of a cultural life and social and political process of Ukraine. The process of updating the repertoire of the Ukrainian film studios in the context of the realignment process has been analyzed. Important in this context was the study of the factors contributing to the thematic updating of the films. The Research Methodology. The methodology of the study was based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and scientific capacity. The article focuses on the analysis of the state of the scientific development of the problem in national historiography. The main conceptual approaches to the study of the problem have been identified. The scientific novelty is to reveal the thematic features of the repertoire of the Ukrainian films during the period of systematic changes from 1985 till 1991 basing on the archival materials. The presented scientific work has the scientific novelty in the context of the Ukrainian historiography. The Conclusions. The factors of updating the repertoire portfolio were clarified: first, new topics were identified by new thematic plans, the so-called. government procurement, which underwent fundamental changes as a result of the reform course of the government. Secondly, the release of censorship led to the evolution of the public view of the past, pushing artists to turn their own works into an instrument of the political opposition to popular opposition to the authorities. Anti-alcohol movies appeared for the sake of supporting the course of the authorities. Thematic plans of the state order envisaged creating films on the theme aimed at updating the Ukrainian national motives. Such work went hand in hand with encouraging artists to introduce the Ukrainian language into works of verbal arts. Due to this, the interest of the state-of-the-art motion picture studios to the Ukrainian literature and dramatic classics increased. It diversified the domestic achievements of the cinematic works of the historical genre. The theme of the historical past of the Ukrainian people took a leading place in the repertoire of the Ukrainian film studios. After the Chornobyl disaster the environmental theme was one of the first to get the independent artistic coverage. The themes that could not be fully realized in the pre-rebuilding period included religious films.
Кey words: repertoire, film studio, film, script writer, director, Perestroika.
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