
  • Oleksandr BONDARENKO PhD (History), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of History, Archeology, Information and Archival Affairs, the Central Ukrainian National Technical University,
  • Mykola TUPCHIYENKO PhD (History), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of History, Archeology, Information and Archival Affairs, the Central Ukrainian National Technical University,



historiography, financial policy, financial institutions, Russian Empire, Dnieper Ukraine.


The purpose of the research is to attempt a historiographical analysis and systematization of scientific research of modern Ukrainian researchers on the history of creation and operation of financial institutions of the Russian Empire in Dnieper Ukraine in the last quarter of the 18th – early 20th centuries, to find out the state of research of the problem and to determine the prospects of further scientific research. The methodology is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, along with the integrated use of general scientific methods – analysis, synthesis, abstraction; historiographical – concrete-historiographical analysis and synthesis; and historical – comparative-historical, typological and chronological methods. The scientific novelty is due to the lack of special historiographical works on the problem within the specified chronological limits. The article for the first time systematizes and generalizes the scientific achievements of modern domestic scholars on the study of the history and activities of financial institutions of the Russian Empire in the Ukrainian lands in the last quarter of the 18th – early 20th century. Conclusions. Thus, the research degree analysis of the history of the Russian autocracy’s financial bodies in Dnieper Ukraine in modern Ukrainian science showed the lack of generalizing work on this issue. At the same time, the modern historiography accumulated a lot of research on the history of the creation, evolution and activities of imperial financial institutions in Ukraine. The analysis of modern scientific achievements allows us to assert the formation of scientific schools on the history of economic and financial policy – Kyiv Historical School of the Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine O. Reient; Kharkiv Historical and Legal School of prof. O. Holovko; Kropyvnytskyi School of Economic History of prof. V. Orlyk.

Among the promising aspects of the problem for further research, in our opinion, there are: the daily life of local financial officials, their participation and role in social and cultural processes in Ukraine, relations between society and financial institutions, study of history and activities of financial authorities in the context of institutions, the use of the anthropological approach to the study of bureaucracy by the scientists.


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