
  • Valerii LASTOVSKYI PhD hab. (History), Professor, Professor of the International Relations Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts,
  • Oksana BILETSKA PhD (Culture Studies), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the International Relations Department,



Ostafiy Dashkovych, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, coat of arms, heraldry, “Leliwa” coat of arms, “Korybut” coat of arms, “Mogiіa” coat of arms


The purpose of the study is to carry out a historiographical and source analysis of scientific claims regarding Ostafiy Dashkovych's affiliation with the “Leliwa” and “Korybut” coat of arms bearers, to consider the ways of spreading these statements and the impact of Polish historical science on the Ukrainian researchers, to analyze historical information directions. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historicism, systematic, scientific, and interdisciplinary. The following general historical methods have been used: historiographical analysis, historically genetic and comparative. The Scientific novelty: for the first time in the Ukrainian historiography the article looks into the question of Ostafy Dashkovych’s coat of arms reality, with the historical science attributing it to his family, in detail; on the basis of the analysis of historical and historiographical sources; the article refutes the conventional ideas regarding Ostafiy Dashkovych's affiliation with the “Leliwa” and “Korybut” coat of arms bearers, outlines the possibilities for finding new information; the opinion about this issue dependence of the Ukrainian historiography on the Polish has been expressed. The Conclusions. Based on the analysis of historical and historiographical sources, it can be argued that in the XVIIIth century the Polish heraldist Kasper Niesiecki created the scientific myth about Ostafiy Dashkovych's affiliation with the “Leliwa” coat of arms bearers. In later scientific literature, because of the Dashkevych and the Dashkovych different families, there was a constant confusion with their belonging to the “Leliwa” and “Korybut” coat of arms bearers. The family of Ostafiy Dashkovych was assigned to each of them fairly automatically, without analyzing the sources and having a proper basis. As to this matter the Ukrainian historical science, in general, entirely relied on the results of the Polish historians’ studies. At the same time, it should be noted that there are more valid reasons to consider the possibility of Ostafiy Dashkovych belonging to the “Mogiіa” coat of arms bearers


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