
  • Oksana KALISHCHUK PhD hab. (History), Professor, Professor of Department of Archaeology, Ukraine’s History of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University,




Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, Volyn, cultural and educational movement, Ukrainian schooling.


The Purpose of the Research is to characterize the prosopographic aspect of cultural, educational activities of the Ukrainian military and public structures in Western Volyn during World War I and to clarify the role of individual representatives of the Galician and local (Volyn) intelligentsia in the national life of the region. The Methodology of the Research was formed by the principles of historicism, systematization, general scientific methods of logics, an authorial objectivity, special historical methods (a historiographical analysis, a historical systemic method, a chronology method, a historical genetic method. The scientific novelty consists in the task to characterize the cultural, educational activities of Ukrainian military and public structures in Western Volyn during World War I and to clarify the role of individual representatives of the Galician, Naddniprianska and local (Volyn) intelligentsia in the national life of the region. The Conclusions. The peculiarity of the legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen was its activity not only as an armed formation at the fronts of World War I, but also as a factor in the Ukrainian national movement. One of the tasks set by the USS (the USS – Ukrainian Sich Riflemen) was a national self-awareness both among the Sich members themselves and among the Ukrainians of the areas, where the Sich members fought during the hostilities. The national self-awareness was facilitated by the presence of prominent intelligentsia representatives. Owing to their efforts Volyn succeeded in the cultural and educational spheres in 1916 – 1918. The delegated Sich riflemen became selfless organizers of a socio-political life in the region and bearers of the Ukrainian national idea. The selfless work of the Galicians and residents of Naddniprianshchyna, such as: D. Vitovsky, M. Havrylko, M. Saevych, S. Sydorovych, I. Krypiakevych and the others, became the basis for the growth of the Ukrainian movement in Volyn during the interwar period and World War II.


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