
  • Vitalii TELVAK Professor at Department of World History and Special Historical Disciplines, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University,
  • Iryna LOZYNSKA Associate Professor of the Departament of World History and Special Historical Disciplines, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University,
  • Roman NOWACKI Ph.D., hab. (History), Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Opole University of Technology,



Ukrainian historiography, scientific institutions, Second Polish Republic, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ukrainian scientific institute


Thepurposeofthestudyistoreconstruct the institutional structure of the Ukrainian historical science in the Second Polish Republic. Themethodologiicalfoundationofthestudyisan interdisciplinaryapproach. Primarily, it is a structural-functional systemic analysis of historiographical facts and a comparative historical method, based on the principle of objectivity and historicism. We also apply the methods of periodisation, classification and typologisation.Thescientificnovelty of this articleisthecomplexanalysisoftheinstitutionalhistoryofthe UkrainianHumanitiesduringthetimesofinterwarPoland. The Conclusions. The UkrainianscientistsintheinterwarPolandsometimes collaboratedwiththePolishgovernment, however, mostly, theyopposeditsnationalculturalpolicy.Regardlessthedynamics of their relationship, theymanagedtoadapttotheexistingconditionsquitewell. They preserved the existing institutional potential of the Ukrainian Humanities, while adequately reacting to social political and cultural challenges.Despitea chronicalpovertyandlackoffinancialresources, theyinitiatedthefoundationofneworganisationalstructuresthat were designed to moderate the most dynamic branches of the Ukrainian studies.Another peculiar feature was that the UkrainianscienceofthosetimeswasdividedbetweenWarsawandLviv. Unfortunately, despite the presence of an active communication between Galician and Dnipro scholars in emigration, they did not manage to establish a solid interinstitutional collaboration.Asaresult, someorganisationalstructuresjustobtainedtheir “twins”, which, ifweconsiderscarcefinancialandhumanresources, ledtounjustifiedexpenses. Moreover, it led to incoherence in scientific projects and thus, to personal conflicts.Nevertheless, those institutions were of a crucial importance, as the emigrants later relocated them to the countries of the “free world”. That helped the Ukrainian science to survive the communist regime and preserve the institutional memory


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