
  • Liudmyla PETRYSHYN Associfte Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of Ternopol Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University,
  • Inna DEMUZ Associate Professor, the Head of the Chair of Document Science Department, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University,



the Duchy of Warsaw, a military education, directions of a military education, general military training, patriotism, a soldier-citizen


The purpose of the research consists in, primarily, studying the historical and educational aspects of a military education in the Duchy of Warsaw during 1807 – 1815; outlining the directions of a military education; conducting a historical and pedagogical analysis of the military educationprocess aimed at forming a soldier-citizen's patriotism. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematization, scientificity, verification, an authorial objectivity, a moderate narrative constructivism, an anthropological approach, as well as special historical methods (historical genetic, historical typological, historical systemic). The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in the Ukrainian historical science the forms and content of a military education in the Duchy of Warsaw of 1807 – 1815 (in Polish – Księstwo Warszawskie) have been analyzed; the directions of a military education have been determined; the historical and educational aspects of a military education in the Duchy of Warsaw of 1807 – 1815 have been specified. The Conclusions. The system of education in a civil and military schooling during the period of the Duchy of Warsaw was entirely national.  In general, as a result of educational work based on the best traditions of T. Kosciuszko uprising and the functioning of the legions, the armed forces became a school of patriotism, which made it possible to understand that the Duchy of Warsaw provided freedom of the personality and the opportunity to pursue a military career as a citizen-soldier. The educational activities focused on the awakening of a sincere patriotism and a national consciousness in young people, the formation of love of the native language, history, Polish customs and traditions, and national affiliation. The study of historical and educational aspects of a military education provides an opportunity to state that the army of the Duchy of Warsaw, according to the personnel and organizational concept, was a national army that adhered to the democratic direction of education, which formed military, national and social virtues, which in its turn created a positive image of the army of the Duchy of Warsaw in the society. Internal relations in the Polish army were based on respect for historical victories in the past, which in turn determined the process of a military education aimed at forming a soldier–citizen–statesman, deeply patriotic, nationally conscious and loyal to his country. It is important that during this period two directions of a military education in the Duchy of Warsaw were singled out at the same time: the first direction promoted the ideas of an absolute discipline, complete obedience and order; the second direction of a military education advocated the continuation of the soldierseducation in the traditions of T. Kosciuszko and legionnaires


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