
  • Nadiia KOTSUR Professor, Head of Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines and Valeology Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University,
  • Svetlana HORDENKO Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines and Valeology Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University,



health care, urban population, epidemics, famine, social diseases, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, research institutes


The purpose of the article is to try to reveal the most important components of of health care formation and development of the urban population of the UkSSR during the 20-ies and their impact on the level and quality of an urban society life. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, systematization, scientificity, the unity of historical and logical, a moderate narrative constructivism, an anthropological approach, as well as special historical (historical genetic, historical typological, historical systemic) methods. The scientific novelty consists in the consideration of the health care system formation in the cities of the UkSSR against the background of the time challenges and work effectiveness in overcoming epidemics and social diseases. The author's periodization of the health care development in accordance with the social needs of urban residents has been presented. Modern conceptual approaches reveal the scale of the negative consequences of the ruling regime's policy, which led to famine and social cataclysms that tragically affected the health of the urban population. The Conclusions. An important indicator of the social standard of living of the urban population during the 1920-ies was their access to the health care service. After overcoming the effects of famine and outbreaks of epidemics during 1921 – 1923, the city health service during 1924 – 1929 focused on the fight against social diseases – tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. As the epidemiological situation in the cities improved, social illnesses were overcome, and funding for the establishment of medical research institutes increased, and contacts were established with foreign specialists in this sphere. The prospects for a further scientific research consist in the preparation of a historiographical study on the history of social medicine during the 20-ies and 30-ies of the ХХth century, which would reveal the main stages of the historical knowledge accumulation, showed the evolution of conceptual views on this issue, revealed to researchers a modern arsenal of methods and techniques for studying historical processes.


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