
  • Viktor VERHUNOV PhD hab. (Agricultural Sciences), Professor, Academician of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), specialty “History and Archeology”, Director of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS,



agricultural research and reclamation science and education, Kozarovytsia research and reclamation station, Kyiv Engineering and Reclamation Institute, O. S. Shkabara.


The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of Professor O. S. Shkabara, his scientific heritage, contribution to the formation and development of an agricultural research and reclamation science, education during 1913 1959. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, the use of historical comparative, historical systemic, analytical synthetic, biographical, statistical methods, as well as the methods of personalization and source studies, the archival analysis of documents. The Scientific Novelty. There has been proved the important role of Professor O. S. Shkabara in the formation and development of swamps culture of and meadows planting in the Ukrainian Polissia, both in theory and methodology, and in the organization of their scientific and educational support, which became the basis for the final statement of the concept of swamp culture as a science and appearance of the special field of plant technicians in the educational training of specialists. The Conclusions. The sphere of professional preferences of O. S. Shkabara was formed under the influence of lectures and practical classes conducted by a constellation of the prominent domestic scientists: P. R. Slozkin, V. H. Bazhaiev, K. H. Schindler, D. V. Kliuchariev and the others. The study of best foreign experience of Sweden, Denmark, and Germany contributed to the formation of a leading specialist in the field of an agricultural research and reclamation science, education. His contribution to the establishment of Kozarovytsia research and reclamation station and its special status as the leading republican center for the development of the agricultural reclamation problems during 1923 1933 and 1945 1959 was considered to be the scientist's most significant contribution. He was formed as a talented educator, contributed to the spread of higher professional education during 1923 1933 on the basis of the Kyiv Engineering and Reclamation Institute. O. S. Shkabara was formed as a talented educator, who contributed to the spread of a higher professional education during 1923 1933, on the basis of Kyiv Engineering and Reclamation Institute.


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