
  • Svitlana BILA Associate Professor of the World History and Special Historical Disciplines Department, Historical Faculty, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University,
  • Valerii KOLPAKOV Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative and Business Law of Zaporizhzhya National University,



State School Council, Krakow District City School Council, Krakow City Fund, the financing of education, the instruction


The purpose of the article is to publish and analyze the instruction for the district city school council in Krakow and the instruction for Krakow City Fund as the district school fund (1876) as a source for the history of the Galician education management system of the second half of the 19th century. The research methodology – principles of scientific, objectivity, historicism, methods of external and internal critique of sources. The research novelty is that instruction for the district city school council in Krakow and the instruction for Krakow City Fund as the district school fund (1876) was first published and analyzed as a historical source. The Conclusions. The instruction for the District City School Council in Krakow is in the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv. It is accompanied by instructions for Krakow City Fund as the district city school fund. Both manuscripts are written in Polish and date back to 1876. They regulated the financial support of Krakow education system in the first decades of school councils. The instruction of Krakow District City School Council was compiled on the basis of the instruction for school district councils, which was prepared by the SSC in accordance with the regional school law of May 2, 1873. The instruction contains 30 paragraphs, which can be divided into three parts: 1) a description of the organizational aspects of Krakow DCSC in the financial sector; 2) determination of the main components of financial record keeping; 3) detailing the procedural aspects of financial records. The instructions for Krakow City Fund as the city’s school Fund contained 11 paragraphs. It determined the City Fund as an independent executive body of the administrative school authority in the city. The published documents reveal the financial aspects of providing primary education in Krakow. Documents are published in the original language (Polish) in compliance with the necessary archeographic requirements.


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