
  • Mariusz MIELCZAREK PhD. hab. (History), Professor, Professor at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Vasyl ORLYK PhD. hab. (History), Professor, Head of Department of Social Sciences, Informational and Archival Affairs at Central Ukrainian National Technical University,



Black Sea region, Olbia, coin find


The aim of the study is presentation of a new hoard of ancient  coins discovered in the Ukraine. In the Summer of 2019 fifteen bronze coins of Olbia (Greek polis in the North West Black Sea region) were found in the Kyiv region. Research methodology – principles of science, historicism, objectivity, methods of analysis, classification, generalization, historical-genetic and historical-typological. Scientific novelty. All coins are of “Borysthenes” type (head of river god Borysthenes / Scythian axe, bow in case, ΟΛΒΙΟ). An assemblage has been described by the founder as found in the ground between village Lukyanivka and the town Tarashcha  (Kyiv region), near the highway P 04. The coins  are dated to the end of fourth and the middle of the third century BC. The assemblage is one of interesting finds of Olbian coins on the way from the North Pontic Region to the West. The hoard from Lukyanivka is one of finds  registered very far outside of Greek states of the northern coast of Black Sea. The cognitive value of the hoard lies above all in the region of its finding. The find from Lukyanivka is an important find as in recent years Olbian bronze coins as well as Bosporan coins were found on Celtic settlements in Poland (Upper Silesia; other coin finds were registered in Central Poland) and Czech Republic (Celtic oppidum at Nĕmčice, Moravia; a very rich assemblage of Greek and Roman coins). The find from Lukyanivka is a new important element in the discussion on inflow of Olbian coins to the West. The Lukyanivka hoard consists of 15 bronze coins with the head of river god Borysthenes, one of the most popular coins of Olbia. According to data obtained from the founder, the coins were found together in ‘one place’ but at ‘different depth’. In the founder’s opinion the value of the information on the find can’t be negated. Following to the chronology of “Borysthenes” coins proposed by P. O. Karyshkovskii coins found  not far from Lukyanivka should be dated from the late fourth century BC to the ca. 250 BC. The most coins are dated to 290 – 250 BC. The structure of the Lukyanivka hoard should be treated as ‘typical’ for hoards of Olbian coins. The Conclusions. The find from Lukyanivka confirms that in the third century BC the most popular Olbian pieces of “Borysthenes” type penetrated the area of the Central Ukraine, precisely Middle Ros river region, in significant quantity. The “assemblage” is important find as the majority of Olbian and Bosporan coins in Central Europe – find from Germany is doubt all are single finds. The coins described in the article fills “a gap” between finds from Dnieper and Dniester rivers and Central European finds. The find is located inside the “tongue-shaped” area of finds from the North Pntic region). The “tongue-shaped” area dominated’ by single finds. The area of Olbian and Bosporan coin-finds indicates that the appearance of coins minted by Pontic Greek poleis in Central Europe  may be connected with activity of people of Scythian culture. This is extremely important as we have in mind a unique find of Greek amphora from the Scythian settlement located in the south-eastern Poland.


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