Verkhovyna” Society, museum, Eastern Halychyna, Stryi, Roman DombchewskiAbstract
The purpose of the article is to publish and analyze the statute of the “Verkhovyna” Society in Stryi (1932) as a source for the history of the mentioned society and legal culture of the Ukrainian public of the Eastern Halychyna County cities during the interwar period. The research methodology – principles of scientific, objectivity, historicism, methods of external and internal critique of sources. The research novelty is that the Statute of the “Verkhovyna” Society in Stryi (1932) was first published and analyzed as a historical and historical-legal source. The Conclusions. Thus, the Statute of the “Verkhovyna” Society in Stryi (1932) was drafted by a well-known Ukrainian lawyer Roman Dombchewski in early 1932. This document is known to researchers, but has never been published or analyzed as a historical source. It is stored in the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv and the State Archives of Lviv region. The Statute consists of 35 articles, which can be divided into four groups: 1) the purpose and tasks of the “Verkhovyna” Society, 2) the material bases of the functioning of the Society, 3) members of the Society and their tasks, rights and responsibilities, 4) structural and organizational and managerial aspects of the Society’s activities. We consider it an important historical source to the history of Ukrainian public organizations of cultural and educational orientation in Eastern Halychyna, the history of inter-war Stryi, the biography of Roman Dombchewski, as well as to the history of domestic legal thought. The document is published in the original language (Ukrainian) with the necessary archeographic requirements.References
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