
  • Borys HOD PhD (History), PhD hab. (Education), Professor, Head of the Department of World History and Methods of Teaching History of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
  • Nataliia HOD PhD (Education), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of World History and Methods of Teaching the History of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical UniversityPhD (Education), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of World History and Methods of Teaching the History of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
  • Ruslan BASENKO PhD (Education), Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Economics of Education of Poltava M.V. Ostrohradskyi Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,



Jesuit Order (Society of Jesus), humanism, modern historiography, Jesuitism, historiographic dialogue, Latin studies, civilization methodology, conceptual and location historiographic cluster


The purpose of the article is historiographic analysis and systematization of the newest narrative of American, Italian, German, English, French and Polish historical, cultural, religious, philosophical and historical-pedagogical studies, which highlighted anthropological intentionality, humanistic and humanistic Catholic Jesuit Order in the early modern period. Due to the historiographical controversy, the principles of scientific, historicist, objectivity, continuity, interdisciplinary, historiographical autopsy are presented in the consideration and evaluation of the sociocultural activity of the Jesuit Order, as well as its confessional affiliation, methodological orientations of the research, denominational neutrality, ecumenism, anthropology, and worldview pluralism. In the basis of the study there is a civilizational understanding of historiography that enables a holistic, systematic, integrated and integrated examination of the contemporary understanding of the humanistic context of early modern Jesuit youth in the humanistic context of European and American scholars. The research novelty, first of all, lies in the field of classification, historiographic analysis and contextual commenting of contemporary foreign studies, whose authors considered the historical and sociocultural aspects of the founding and implementation of Jesuit youth policy, revealed its humanistic content, outlined the subject field for the world. The study deepened the understanding of the civilizational methodology of historiographic research, proposed new approaches to the classification of historiographic narratives of foreign Jesuits, introduced the concept of “conceptual and location historiographic cluster”. The Conclusions. Contemporary Latin historiography of the humanistic content of Jesuit youth policy in the early modern period is sufficiently voluminous, large in scope and subject of study, which is connected, first of all, with the broad amplitude of Jesuit activities in the world for almost five centuries. The consideration of the topic is proposed on the basis of the separation of six conceptually-location historiographic clusters, within which historical studies are combined on the basis of geographical and subject-thematic criteria: general historical (foreign studies, presenting the historical panorama of the genesis of early modern Jesuits youth policy, its preconditions are outlined, the content of the Catholic Reform (Counter-Reformation) is clarified in which the Jesuit monks operated); anthologically synthetical (combining basic studies of contemporary American, Italian, Spanish, German, English, French and Polish Jesuits); historical and anthropological (historical studies that offer a holistic dimension of the humanistic context of the sociocultural activity of the Jesuits); personal (coverage of historical portraits of the founders of Jesuit youth policy, contextual interpretation of their life and creative path); spiritual and theological (analysis of the value, theological and ethical and moral aspects of the Jesuit early modern youth policy); educational and philosophical (review of Jesuit educational practices, their universal system of education and the educational principles of Ratio Studiorum). It is emphasized that contemporary foreign Jesuitism has taken a significant step in refuting the false statements and falsifications that were widespread in the previous historiographical narrative regarding the anti-humanistic and feudal-reaction content of Jesuit social activity. The contemporary foreign Latin Jesuitism is characterized by a value approach in covering the socio-cultural initiatives of the Society of Jesus. Foreign authors do not resort to engaged rhetoric, a myth-speculative style of presentation, which prematurely distinguished the positions of grata and non grata in the formation of historical narrative by unjustified criteria. In solidarity, the scholars emphasized the humanistic relevance of the socio-cultural and educational initiatives of the Society of Jesus to the human-creative and social-organizing task, their focus on the motivation and development of the spiritual, professional and emotional aspects of the individual. Historiographic analysis confirms that modern Latin Jesuitism as a whole reproduces a holistic image of Jesuit humanism, attests to the historical objectivity and social justification of the formation of a modern Jesuit concept of a holistic, complete, solidary and integral humanism as universal holistic understanding.


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