
  • Hryhoriy VASIANOVYCH Professor at Department of humanities and social work, Lviv State University of Life Safety,
  • Andriy LOZYNSKYI Associate Professor at Department of humanities and social work, Lviv State University of Life Safety,



World War І, the Ukrainian servicemen, legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen of the Armed Forces of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, land and naval units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire, Army of the Ukrainian Peopleʼs Republic, Galicia-Bukovyna kuren of Sich Riflemen, Ukrainian Galician army, co


Aim of the research: to analyze the content of military education of the Ukrainians who fought during World War I (1914 – 1918) and the subsequent military conflicts related to the national freedom fight on Ukrainian lands in 1917 – 1921 as part of foreign (Austro-Hungarian, Russian) and national armed forces. The research methodology: compliance with the principles of objectivity and historicism contributed to the consistent disclosure of the preconditions, content and consequences of the experience of combat military education of the Ukrainians during World War I and subsequent military conflicts on the territory of Ukraine. The use of the comparative-historical method made it possible to trace the influence of military education in the system of functioning of the legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen of the Armed Forces of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, land and naval units of the armed forces of the Russian Empire, the Army of the Ukrainian Peopleʼs Republic and the Ukrainian Galician Army. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to comprehensively cover the problem of educational work in the environment of the Ukrainian servicemen during World War I and the subsequent military conflicts on the territory of Ukraine in 1917 – 1921 and the formation of patriotic attitude towards the performance of their military duty in the context of hostilities that to date has not been the subject of special military-historical research. Firs, an attempt was made to recreate the picture of the formation of the national military education system in Ukraine. New theoretical generalizations of the content of the army patriotic education were introduced to scientific circulation. The Conclusions. The military-political events of 1914 – 1921 showed that the army was the main driving force behind the revival of Ukraine, since it was the Ukrainian military hat often acted as a catalyst for state-building processes in general. In this context, the military upbringing of the Ukrainians who fought in the Austro-Hungarian, Russian and national armed forces during World War I and subsequent military conflicts on the territory of Ukraine is of particular importance. However, understanding the value of military education did not always find support from Ukrainian politicians of the time. During World War I, servicemen of the Austro-Hungarian Legion of the USR managed to transform this unit into a well-trained, factually Ukrainian, military formation with national symbols, their own distinctions, as well as Ukrainian official language and military terminology. Themilitary training of the Ukrainians fully manifested itself during the war and within the structure of the land and naval forces of the Russian army. Soldiers from the Dnipro region proved to be well-trained, brave, disciplined and morally stable. Considering the military training in the Army of the UNR and UGA, it can be stated that despite the adverse factors caused by the aggression of the neighboring states and the blockade of Ukraineʼs borders by the Entente, the original national system of military training in the army units was established for the first time. However, the rudiments of full-fledged patriotic upbringing in the army failed to achieve this goal. The experience of national military formation shows that one of the key factors in the proper functioning of the armed forces is its upbringing in the spirit of patriotism and commitment to the state idea. This principle should be applied today, when reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the level of Euro-Atlantic standards and forming a professional army is underway


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