
  • Mariia KAZMYRCHUK Associate Professor of Ethnology and Local History Department, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,



manorial estate, manor, the culture of manorial estates of Ukraine, studies, historiography


aim of the article is to analyze a situation in studies of the problem of the formation and development of the manorial estates on Ukrainian lands as a cultural and historical phenomenon at the end of the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth centuries. The research methodology is based on the general scientific and special historical methods. In particular, the basic principles as historicism, objectivity, comprehensiveness, continuity, general methods of the historical research as historical, problem-chronological, comparative, retrospective, etc., and special methods of historiographical research, e.g. historiographical analysis and synthesis have been used. The research novelty consists in the fact that the historiographical analysis of the pre-revolutionary studies of the estate culture of Ukraine has been carried out from the modern positions. The publications on the problem of the culture of manorial estates on Ukrainian lands have been analyzed. They have not yet been the subject of the historiographical research. The periodization of the study of the manorial estates culture in Ukraine is proposed in the article. The Conclusions. The Ukrainian manorial estate culture study began in the second half of the XIXth century. The first studies were fragmentary and descriptive. However, at the beginning of the XXth century the manorial estates were explored as a cultural phenomenon. The  regional manorial estates heritage consideration of that time, especially from Slobozhanshchyna, became an actual trend. The works of art critics, economists and historians aroused the interest in the manorial estates as cultural centers in the Ukrainian lands. We can emphasize that the publications, which are devoted to the formation and evolution of the individual manorial estates complexes, predominated during that period. Sometimes they contained disjointed historical and biographical information about the inhabitants of the manorial estates or the nostalgic memoirs of staying there. Large palatial and park complexes, which are mostly located close to the two capitals of the Russian Empire, attracted the researchers. But a lot of provincial manorial estates which, particularly, are located in the Ukrainian lands were almost not considered.

The studies on the early publications on the manorial estates culture of Ukraine make possible to divide the historiography into three major periods: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern. The pre-revolutionary researches provided the background for the national research traditions and schools, which study this issue comprehensively. Therefore, our further task is to analyze in details the domestic publications, dedicated to the manorial estates of Ukraine from the Soviet period till modern one.


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