
  • Leonid MOHYLNYI PhD hab. (History), Professor, Department of Ancient and Modern History of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
  • Olesia LIASHCHENKO PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences Faculties, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,



Kholodnyi Hryhorii, the Society of Ukrainian Postupovtsi, Chernihiv Scientific Society, Prosvita, the Institute of the Ukrainian Scientific Language, the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine.


Summary. The purpose of the current research is to analyse the evolution of social and political views of H. Kholodnyi, the director of the Institute of the Ukrainian Scientific Language (1926 – 1929), in the context of his public activities. The methodical basis of the article rests on principles of hystorism and objectivity and includes a retrospective method and a biographic method. The academic novelty of the current research is the first attempt to reveal and analyse social and political beliefs of H. Kholodnyi. Conclusions. In the result of thorough investigation it has become possible to distinguish three periods in the evolution and establishment of H. Kholodnyi’s civic position. Thus, the 1912 – 1917s were mainly devoted to the participation in the Ukrainophile hromada (1912 – 1917) and the Society of Ukrainian Postupovtsi (1916 – 1917). H. Kholodnyi had supported the concept of Ukraine’s autonomy as part of the Russian state before the revolution broke out in 1917. The second period lasted from 1917 to 1924. It was the time when H. Kholodnyi worked as a school principle and carried out managerial work at Chernihiv Scientific Society, Prosvita, and Chernihiv Church Council to promote Ukrainian education and science and unite people. After the adoption of the Fourth Universal of the Central Ukrainian Council, he supported the idea of independent Ukraine and upheld this view throughout his life. The third period from 1924 to 1929 was characterized by the rejection of any form of political activity and transition to purely educational and scientific projects, in particular in the Institute of the Ukrainian Scientific Language. He managed to express his patriotic position through didactic work with schoolchildren and through the development of Ukrainian humanitarian studies and scientific terminology.


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