
  • Viktor VERHUNOV PhD hab. (Agricultural Sciences), Professor, Academician of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), specialty «History and Archeology», Director of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS,



Mykola A. Tyulenyev, drainage land reclamation, Ukrainian Research Institute of Hydrotechnics and Land Reclamation, Rudnya-Radovel swamp experiment station, Panfilskaswamp experiment station, Institute of Plant Physiology and Agrochemistry, of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, swamp culture.


Summary. The purpose of the article is to highlight the creative achievements in the field of the drainage land reclamation in Ukraine of a prominent scientist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR M. O. Tyulenyeva. The research methodology is based on the general scientific principles of the historical accuracy, objectivity, systematicity, complexity and scientific nature. M. O. Tyulenyev'slife and achievements in the development of domestic reclamation science have been reconstructed, using the method of the historical and scientific analysis with the involvement of the previously inaccessible documents.The author used the general scientific, interdisciplinary and special historical methods, as well as a diverse source base, based on the archival documents. The scientific novelty of the article –for the first time it has been determined that, thanks to the development and practical recommendations of M. O. Tyulenyev, first of all, in the 1920-ies – 1930-ies of the previous century, there took place an organizational formation of the scientific support system for the drainage reclamation in the Ukrainian SSR, its preservation during the German occupation of 1941 – 1943 and its rise in the 50-ies – 60-ies of the XXth century. The conclusions. It has been proved that the scientist outlined the basic technological elements that allow a rational use of 3.3 million hectares of dried soils from more than 5 million reclamation fund of Ukraine.Their full and systematic introduction on the background of a primary tillage, a systematic use of fertilizers, the implementation of rational crop rotations and bilateral regulation of the water-air regime will allow to preserve the potential fertility of the drained lands and prevent their degradation.It has been illustrated that, on this basis, the growth and development of, first of all, a public animal breedingcould occur for the needs of the country. M. O. Tyulenyev'sscientific researches remain a «road map» for posterity to this day. It is not by chance that the Ukrainian Parliament adopted the act to celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of M. O Tyulenyev in 2019 at the state level.Thescientistdidmuch in the name of the future and especially in the aspects of the theory, methodology and practice of an agricultural land reclamation.


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