
  • Ruslana POPP
  • Roman MELNYK




Drohobychyna, region, district, administrative, territorial structure, resettlement, the Soviet system


 Summary. The purpose of the research – to trace the establishment and changes in the administrative and territorial structure of Drohobychyna in the 1940-ies and 1950-ies, when the Soviet system was established, restored and approved in the region; to determine the factors and the consequences of the territorial transformations. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientificity, verification, the author's objectivity, a moderate narrative constructivism, as well as the use of the general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and the special historical (historicalgenetic, historicaltypological, historicalsystemic) methods .The scientific novelty – for the first time a comprehensive study of the transformation of the administrative, territorial space of Drohobych region in the Soviet time has been investigated. It has been illustrated that the administrative, territorial space of Drohobych region was a manifestation of the socio-political systems that were established in the region. The decisive factor was the status of the Western Ukrainian lands. The entry of Drohobychyna into the UkrSSR and the USSR caused the change in the administrative, territorial structure, which wasthe Second Commonwealth and the establishment of the Soviet model. Conclusions. The administrative-territorial space of Drohobych region was the manifestation of the socio-political systems that were established in the region. The defining status of the Ukrainian lands was decisive. The entry of Drohobych region into the UkrSSR and the USSR led to the change in the administrativeterritorial structure of the region, which was during the Second Commonwealth and the establishment of the Soviet model. The administrativeterritorial transformations began in 1939–1941, when the first Sovietyzation of the region took place, and continued during the postwar years. The region lost some of its historic territory, and the local population was subject to a forced resettlement t. The local traditions, aspirations and hopes of the people were not taken into account, which not only changed the face of the border area but also caused the numerous human tragedies. The next transformations coincide with the era of M. Khrushchov's reforms. The consolidation of the individual administrative units, which lacked the sufficient scientific justification, led to the elimination of some districts initially and later of Drohobych region itself. Soviet Drohobych region became thepart of Lviv region.


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How to Cite

POPP, R., & MELNYK, R. (2019). TERRITORIAL, ADMINISTRATIVE SPACE OF DROHOBYCHYNA IN THE 40-ies – 50-ies of the XXth CENTURY. EAST EUROPEAN HISTORICAL BULLETIN, (12), 159–168. https://doi.org/10.24919/2519-058x.12.177558


