
  • Iryna PETRENKO
  • Anatoliy SHEVCHENKO



The Germans, national minorities, Poltava society «Viedergeburt» («Revival»), self-identification, international relations


Summury. The purpose of the article is the formation analysis process, functioning of Poltava society of the Germans «Revival»; to reveal and to illustrate the society achievements in the consolidation process of the German nationality people. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and systemicity. During the study, the following specific historical methods have been used: historical-genetic, historical-systemic, problem chronological and historical-biographical, as well as the interdisciplinary methods (content analysis, chronological). The scientific novelty consists in the fact that on the basis of the published and unpublished sources (the private archives documents, the interviews) and the scientific investigations the formation process and the development of Poltava Society of the Germans «Viedergeburt» («Revival») have been analyzed; the peculiarities of its functioning have been determined; the role of the head of the society and its members' activities have been determined, as well as the main directions of its work have been investigated and the international relations of the society have been traced. Conclusions. Consequently, the post-war generation of the Germans still remembers the terrible conditions of the GULAGs of Siberia or Kazakhstan (Reabilitovani istoriieiu, 1992; 2005) in which they, their parents or family members were, but under those terrible conditions most of them remained loyal to their people, were honest, hard-working, preserved the culture and customs of their people. Nowadays they have equal political, economic, social, civil rights with all citizens of an independent Ukraine. This is guaranteed by the «Declaration of the Rights of Nationalities of Ukraine». The indication of this is the activity of Poltava Regional Society of the Germans «Viedergeburt» («Revival»), around which people with German roots gather. At the various events of the society, much attention is paid to the study of the German language and culture, traditions, to incite young people to study the history of their ancestors, to be proud of them, to establish contacts with Germany, where they can search for their relatives. The society «Poltava Center of German Culture «Viedergeburt» opened a library with books, published in German. Recently, one of the priorities of the society is the attraction of attention to Poltava streets revival of their historical names, where in the past German colonists lived (in particular, Fabrykantska Street and Colonial Street in the historical center of the city). Poltava Germans' society «Revival» maintains close contacts with other regional organizations and the Council of the Germans of Ukraine, it participates in many international projects and events. The activity of the society includes: social, youth, ethno-cultural, informational work which contributes to the preservation of German mentality in the Ukrainian society.


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