
  • Andriy ZHYVYUK
  • Ruslana DAVYDYUK



Volyn Voivodeship, musical culture, folk choirs, Naddnipryanska Ukraine, Ukrainian political emigrants, «Volyn experiment»


The purpose of the research is to analyse the role and place of Ukrainian political emigrants, Naddnipryanska Ukraine (Dnieper Ukraine) natives, in the musical culture development on Volyn Voivodeship territory based on the archival sources and the interwar periodicals (1921 – 1939). The methodology of the research is based on the science, historicism, verification principles. In the course of study the historical science methods have been used such as search, identification and systematization of the historical material, obtained from the archival documents and the press sources and with the further criticism of the other methods have been applied the historical-comparative, the historical-typological, the historical-chronological, the historical-geographical and other research methods. The scientific novelty of the article is based on the introduction into the scientific circulation the Sectoral State Archives of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine deciphered archival documents, archival-criminal cases from the Sectoral State Archives of the Security Service of Ukraine, Rivne region State Archive, other archival materials, the interwar periodical, which helped to depict Naddnipryanskykh political emigrants influences on the musical culture development of the interwar Volyn, in some places to trace their fate. It is proved that, despite the everyday difficulties, the emigrants stood out from the rest in social and socio-cultural activities, their musical activity was not only a way of earning money, but also an opportunity for creative self-realization, which helped them in adaptation to the new conditions. Conclusions. The Ukrainian Revolution figures of the 1917 – 1921, who were forced to emigrate to Poland and settled down in Volyn Voivodeship, intensified the musical life in the region. They were the folk choirs founders, moreover, they organized tours, worked as church choirs conductors, founded artistic societies, joined the search campaign for the musical and ethnographic materials for the purpose of their artistic elaboration by amateur choirs and theaters, scientific publications. At this time, the following musicians developed their talent: Mykhailo Telezhinskyi, Oleksa Kolisnichenko, Sozont Kalmutskyi, Serhiy Kozytskyi, Anna Bilohub. The Polish authorities control was manifested in censoring the repertoire, interfering with the conductors and singers, trying to use the artistic sphere in order to spread the pro-government policy. The choral art development, the concerts and competitions organizations, the ethnographic song material collection, enriched the cultural life of the region.


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