
  • Valerii KONONENKO Associate Professor of Department of Legal Sciences and Philosophy of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Oleh MELNYCHUK Professor, Head of Department of World History of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



press, role, Ukrainian SSR, cultural-ideological processes, zhdanovshchina.


The purpose of the study. In the article the role of the Soviet press in cultural-ideological processes in the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR in the post-Stalinist totalitarian regime has been analyzed. The authors characterize the materials of the All-Union, Republican, local Soviet press of 1945 – 1953, they investigate the forms and methods of press influence on cultural-ideological processes and socio-political atmosphere in the Ukrainian SSR. The methodology of the article is based on the use of general scientific methods of cognition of the object of research, with observing the principles of originality, objectivity, comprehensiveness, and historicism. The scientific novelty of the work is that using the methods of studying the contents of materials and the consequences of their publication, the authors analyse the influence of materials of the all-Union, central republican and local Soviet press on the deployment of repressions against representatives of science, literature, culture and art. They also research the influence of the press on the behaviour of both party-state bodies and ordinary citizens, and its role in shaping the general socio-political atmosphere in society. Conclusions. The Soviet press in the post-war period has become the main instrument for promoting repression among the cultural and scientific workers. The printed periodicals of the Ukrainian SSR completely copied the technologies and techniques of the central newspapers and magazines. It imitated the all-union press both in the form of presentation of materials, and in its content. With the help of materials from the central all-union and the republican party newspapers and magazines, the start of the ideological campaigns were announced. The publication of the main legal acts aimed at the cultural and ideological sphere determined the official line of the party, and various printed materials of the newspapers and magazines formed the appropriate socio-political atmosphere, adjusted the behaviour of citizens and authorities at all levels


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