
  • Iryna PIATNYTSKOVA Sciences lecturer at the Department of History of Ukraine Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine



cooperative societies, cultural and educational activities, libraries, courses, lectures, musical-drama circles.


The aim of the research is to analyze the cultural-educational activity of the cooperative societies of the South of Ukraine in the beginning of the 20th century. Its significance in the life of the region is determined. The research methodology is based on a complex of general scientific methods of logical analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification and problem-chronological, historical-typological, statistical-analytical methods of knowledge of historical sciences.  In the study, the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and systemicity were respected. The scientific novelty includes actualization of this problem at the regional level; comprehensive study of cultural-educational activities of the southern Ukrainian cooperatives at the beginning of the 20th century; isolating and systematizing the directions of cultural and educational activities of societies. Conclusions. Under the normative and legal documents regulating the activities of cooperatives in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, societies, at the level of financial operations, could conduct cultural and educational activities.  Activation of this activity of the Southern Ukrainian cooperatives was observed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Among all types of cooperatives, agricultural and consumer companies were the most active in cultural and educational work. The cultural and educational activities of cooperatives included such steps as opening the libraries, reading rooms, lectures, exhibitions, excursions and exhibitory fields. Societies of the region also organized drama groups, amateur theaters, brass bands, cinematographers. Cultural, educational and artistic activities of cooperatives contributed to the cultural enrichment of the population, the dissemination of new leisure activities among the wide circles of the population in the South of Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century.


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