
  • Tetiana TSYMBAL Professor of Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences,Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine
  • Natalia ZEMZYULINA Professor of the Department of World History and International Relations, Bogdan Khmelnitsky National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine



Ukrainian emigration, countries of Latin America, waves of emigration, ontological status, being rootedness of man


The goal of the work is to investigate reasons, character and periodization of Ukrainian emigration to Latin America countries as well as to define the ontological status of each emigration wave and to reveal common features of Ukrainian foreign communities in   Latin America as a peculiar socio-cultural phenomenon.The methodological foundation of the work is based on interdisciplinary approach. The leading research principles are objectivity, historicism, special historical, general scientific and philosophical approaches. The work foregrounds methods of philosophical reflexion, systemic and critical analysis of historiographical facts and comparative-historical one. The scientific novelty of the work is in comprehending Ukrainian emigration to Latin America countries in context of being rootedness of manand social-philosophical understanding of emigration. Conclusions. While the most attractive for Ukrainian emigrants were Argentina and Brazil, other countries as Bolivia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Chile were opted for only during certain periods. Ukrainian big diasporas were rather compact in Argentina and Brazil, whereas small diasporas in other countries were rather disperse. Open-mindedness, tolerance, devotion to national traditions, their preservation and enrichment, establishing of connection between emigrants of different generations, interaction between diasporas as well as intensive participation in process of culture-making both in recipient country and in Homeland – were the common features of Ukrainians in diasporas. Each emigration wave has certain ontological status: first wave emigrants tried to take roots at new place both locally and existentially; second wave emigrants treated emigration as a temporarily situation; the third wave had immanent-ontological character; the fourth wave sought for freedom; the fifth wave representatives tried to take roots and integrate themselves in the society.


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