
  • Yuriy STETSYK Associate Professor of the Department History of Ukraine, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Valerii KOLPAKOV Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law of Zaporizhzhya national university, Ukraine



hegumen, protohegumen, capitol, order, encyclical letter, decree


The Purpose of the Researchis to determine the main directions of the administrative authority of the protohegumens. The methodology of the research is based on the analytical and synthetic criticism of the documentation, which was made by the protohegumens at the Provincial office of Pochayiv Lavra and during the field meetings of the provincial consulate. The comparison of the copies of the encyclical letters, which were included into the entrance books documentation of the local monastic chanceries, has been made in order to establish the impartiality of the presented information on the condition of the original document absence. The scientific novelty of the work is the use in the scientific circulation of the entire non-applied corps of the monastic documentation: the visits protocols, the reform decrees, the disciplinary affairs of the monasticism, the encyclical letters of the protohegumen of Svyatopokrovska Province of the Order of Saint Basil the Great. Conclusions. The historical circumstances of the monastic administrative unit formation –Svyatopokrovska Province of the Order of Saint Basil the Great has been revealed. The evolution of the monastic legislation of the united Rus Order of Saint Basil the Great has been traced. The main provisions of the Constitution of the Order of Saint Basil the Great concerning the definition of the administrative work of the protohegumen’s institution have been analyzed. The main directions of the protohegumen’s activity of the province have been defined: the visitation of the monasteries, the monastic discipline, the appointment of the priests, the convocation of the provincial consuls, creating the provincial archives, writing the messages, making the warnings, the orders, the reformation decrees.


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