
  • Olena KOROTKOVA PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of History and Archeology, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,



peasantry, religion, church, antagonism, community, national identity, sectarianism


The purpose of the study is to analyze the causes and consequences of antagonistic sentiment of the Ukrainian peasantry towards the clergy in the XIXth – early XXth century. The research methodology covers the main principles of systemic, scientific, historicism, as well as the use of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. The scientific novelty of the work is that the author, using previously unused archival, periodical and personal sources, identified the main causes of the growth of tension and conflict in the relations of the Ukrainian peasantry and the clergy on the territory of Ukraine in the XIXth – early XXth century. Conclusions. Russian imperial power made the church an instrument of russification, the destruction of the national identity of the Ukrainians. Alienation of peasants from the church was facilitated by the factors of their economic oppression by the priests, a full control of the rural clergy for the interests of the landlords, anti-social behavior of the priests. In addition, the fall of the authority of the church was facilitated by the agrarian reform, the capitalization of social relations, the emergence of religious desidens. The peasantry perceived the representatives of the church hierarchy rather critical and even more hostile. But the peasant folk religion kept its identity against the pressure of state-religious institutions.


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