


N. Polonska–Vasylenko, historiography, statehood school, source study, lecture notes, methodological tradition


The aim of the paper is to elucidate the meaningful content of the textbook (lecture notes) written by N. Polonska-Vasylenko «Ukrainian Historiography» and its conformity to the conceptual foundations of the statehood direction in Ukrainian historiography of the post-war period. The research methodology is based on the basic principles of textual analysis and the use of historiographical cognitive methods, in particular historiographical analysis and synthesis, as well as biographical method. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the indicated didactic text became the subject of historiographical examination, and a comparative analysis with other historiographical and historical texts of the researcher was conducted. This allowed to broaden the vision of the personality of N. Polonska-Vasylenko as a historian of Ukrainian historical science and a higher education tutor. Thus, the main methodological principles of the state direction of Ukrainian historiography within the emigration of the postwar period were clarified. Conclusions. N. Polonska-Vasylenko’s text of «Ukrainian Historiography» is an interesting example of the Ukrainian didactic historical writing, which is based on the state methodological and scholarly traditions. It is characteristic that the author criticizes the previous developments on certain historiographical topics, in particular, the impartiality and objectivity of the chroniclers, ideological constructions of the continuity of the Kyivs'ka Rus’ tradition by the Moscow princes, etc. Consideration of Ukrainian historical thought covers a significant chronological range: from the Kyivs'ka Rus’ chronicles to scientific works of the early 1970's. To a certain extent, this is a brief essay on the development not only of Ukrainian historiography, but also of source study, especially concerning the medieval and early modern eras. The author also analyzes the intellectual genesis of the great-power Moscow tradition. The text of this manual also reflects the results of a significant part of the previous scientific achievements of the author.


Ogloblin, 1957 – Ogloblin O. Ukrainian Historiography 1917 – 1956 // The Annals of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S. New York, 1957. Vol. V-VI. №4-1/2. P. 305–435.

Androsova-Bida, 2008 – Androsova-Bida D. «Zhinoche pysmo» v ukrainskomu naukovomu prostori [«Woman's Writing» in the Ukrainian scientific space] // Eidos. № 3 Kyiv, 2008. S. 354–370. [in Ukrainian]

Verba, 1993 – Verba I. N.D. Polonska-Vasylenko: storinky zhyttievoho i tvorchoho shliakhu [N. D. Polonska-Vasylenko: the life and works] // Ukrainskyi istorychnyi zhurnal. Kyiv, 1993. №7–8. S. 70–84 [in Ukrainian]

Verba, Carpus, 2012 – Verba I., Karpus D. Kyivska istoryko-ekonomichna shkola M. V. Dovnar-Zapolskoho [Kyiv Historical and Economic School MV Dovnar-Zapolski]. Kyiv: Tsentr pamiatkoznavstva NAN Ukrainy i UTOPIK, 2012. 148 s. [in Ukrainian]

Vynar, 1983 – Vynar L. Materialy do biohrafii prof. Natalii Polonskoi-Vasylenko [Materials to the biography of prof. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1983. No. 2–4. S. 55–61. [in Ukrainian]

Doroshenko, 1996 – Doroshenko D. Ohliad ukrainskoi istoriohrafii. Derzhavna shkola: Istoriia. Politolohiia. Pravo [Review of Ukrainian historiography. Statehood School: History. Political Srudies. Law]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo «Ukrainoznavstvo», 1996. 256 s. [in Ukrainian]

Krupnytsky, 1959 – Krupnytsky B. Istorioznavchi problemy istorii Ukrainy (zbirnyk statei) [Historical problems of the history of Ukraine (collection of articles)] Miunkhen: UVU, 1959. 230 s. [in Ukrainian]

Letters, 1983 – Lysty prof. Natalii Polonskoi-Vasylenko do prof. Liubomyra Vynara [Letters of Prof. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko to prof. Lubomyr Vynar] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1983. No. 2–4. S. 62–73. [in Ukrainian]

Monolatiy, 2000 – Monolatiy I. Derzhavnytska shkola ukrainskoi istoriohrafii v Ukrainskomu Vilnomu Universyteti v Miunkheni (1946 – 1991) [Statehood School of Ukrainian Historiography at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich (1946 – 1991)] // Ukrainskyi konservatyzm i hetmanskyi rukh: Istoriia, ideolohiia, polityka. № I. Kyiv, 2000. S. 409–441. [in Ukrainian]

Monolatii, Vishivanyuk, 2001 – Monolatiy I., Vishavanyuk O. Miunkhenska shkola istorykiv (1946 – 1991): Istoriohrafichne doslidzhennia [Munich School of Historians (1946 – 1991): Historiographical study]. Kolomiya, 2001. 132 s. [in Ukrainian]

Morgun, 1983 – Morgun O. Do zhyttiepysu Natalii Dmytrivny Polonskoi-Vasylenko-Morhun [To the biography of Natalia Dmitrievna Polonska-Vasylenko-Morgun] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1983. No. 2–4. S. 50–54. [in Ukrainian]

Omelchenko, 1969 – Omelchenko V. Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko (Z nahody 85-oi richnytsi z dnia narodzhennia i 60-oi richnytsi naukovo-akademichnoi diialnosti) [Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko (On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth and the 60th anniversary of scientific and academic activity)] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1969. No. 1–3. S. 86–94. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1964 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Dvi kontseptsii istorii Ukrainy i Rosii [Two concepts of the history of Ukraine and Russia]. Miunkhen: UVU, 1964. 52 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1969 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Vydatni zhinky Ukrainy. [Famous women of Ukraine]. Vinnipeh; Miunkhen, 1969. 160 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1956 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Do ideolohii «Istorii Rusiv» [To the ideology of «History of Ruthenians»] // Visnyk OOChSU. Niu-York, 1956. Ch. ХІІ. S. 12–17; 1957. Ch. 1. S. 14–22. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1962 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Istorychna nauka v Ukraini za sovietskoi doby ta dolia istorykiv // [Historical science in Ukraine during the Soviet era and the fate of historians] // Zapysky NTSh. Pratsi Istorychno-filosofichnoi sektsii. Zbirnyk na poshanu ukrainskykh uchenykh znyshchenykh bilshovytskoiu Moskvoiu. Paryzh; Chikaho, 1962. T.CLXXIII. S. 7–110. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1992 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Istoriia Ukrainy: U 2 t. T.1. Do seredyny XVII stolittia [History of Ukraine: 2 t. T.1. By the middle of the XVII century]. Kyiv: Lybid, 1992. 640 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1957 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Rets. na: Istoriia Rusiv. Pereklad V. Davydenka / Za red. O. Ohloblyna. Niu-York [Rec. on: History of Ruthenians. Translation by V. Davydenko / Ed. O. Ogloblyn New York, 1956 XXXI + 346 p.] // Zapysky UVU. Miunkhen, 1957. Ch. 1. S. 63–69. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1955, 1958 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Ukrainska akademiia nauk (Narys istorii). [Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Essay on History)]. Chastyna I (1918-1930). Miunkhen, 1955. 152 s.; Chastyna II (1931 – 1941). Miunkhen, 1958. 216 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1971a – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Ukrainska istoriohrafiia [Ukrainian historiography]. Miunkhen: Ukrainskyi Vilnyi Universytet (Skrypty: ch. 38), 1971. 104 + X s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1971b – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Ukrainskyi Vilnyi Universytet (1921 – 1971) [Ukrainian Free University (1921 – 1971)] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1971. № 1–2. S. 17–27. [in Ukrainian]

Pritsak, 1993 – Pritsak O. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko: zhmut spohadiv // [Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko: a cluster of memoirs] // Polonska-Vasylenko N. D. Ukrainska akademiia

Ogloblin, 1957 – Ogloblin O. Ukrainian Historiography 1917 – 1956 // The Annals of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S. New York, 1957. Vol. V-VI. №4-1/2. P. 305–435.

Androsova-Bida, 2008 – Androsova-Bida D. «Zhinoche pysmo» v ukrainskomu naukovomu prostori [«Woman's Writing» in the Ukrainian scientific space] // Eidos. № 3 Kyiv, 2008. S. 354–370. [in Ukrainian]

Verba, 1993 – Verba I. N.D. Polonska-Vasylenko: storinky zhyttievoho i tvorchoho shliakhu [N. D. Polonska-Vasylenko: the life and works] // Ukrainskyi istorychnyi zhurnal. Kyiv, 1993. №7–8. S. 70–84 [in Ukrainian]

Verba, Carpus, 2012 – Verba I., Karpus D. Kyivska istoryko-ekonomichna shkola M. V. Dovnar-Zapolskoho [Kyiv Historical and Economic School MV Dovnar-Zapolski]. Kyiv: Tsentr pamiatkoznavstva NAN Ukrainy i UTOPIK, 2012. 148 s. [in Ukrainian]

Vynar, 1983 – Vynar L. Materialy do biohrafii prof. Natalii Polonskoi-Vasylenko [Materials to the biography of prof. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1983. No. 2–4. S. 55–61. [in Ukrainian]

Doroshenko, 1996 – Doroshenko D. Ohliad ukrainskoi istoriohrafii. Derzhavna shkola: Istoriia. Politolohiia. Pravo [Review of Ukrainian historiography. Statehood School: History. Political Srudies. Law]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo «Ukrainoznavstvo», 1996. 256 s. [in Ukrainian]

Krupnytsky, 1959 – Krupnytsky B. Istorioznavchi problemy istorii Ukrainy (zbirnyk statei) [Historical problems of the history of Ukraine (collection of articles)] Miunkhen: UVU, 1959. 230 s. [in Ukrainian]

Letters, 1983 – Lysty prof. Natalii Polonskoi-Vasylenko do prof. Liubomyra Vynara [Letters of Prof. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko to prof. Lubomyr Vynar] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1983. No. 2–4. S. 62–73. [in Ukrainian]

Monolatiy, 2000 – Monolatiy I. Derzhavnytska shkola ukrainskoi istoriohrafii v Ukrainskomu Vilnomu Universyteti v Miunkheni (1946 – 1991) [Statehood School of Ukrainian Historiography at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich (1946 – 1991)] // Ukrainskyi konservatyzm i hetmanskyi rukh: Istoriia, ideolohiia, polityka. № I. Kyiv, 2000. S. 409–441. [in Ukrainian]

Monolatii, Vishivanyuk, 2001 – Monolatiy I., Vishavanyuk O. Miunkhenska shkola istorykiv (1946 – 1991): Istoriohrafichne doslidzhennia [Munich School of Historians (1946 – 1991): Historiographical study]. Kolomiya, 2001. 132 s. [in Ukrainian]

Morgun, 1983 – Morgun O. Do zhyttiepysu Natalii Dmytrivny Polonskoi-Vasylenko-Morhun [To the biography of Natalia Dmitrievna Polonska-Vasylenko-Morgun] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1983. No. 2–4. S. 50–54. [in Ukrainian]

Omelchenko, 1969 – Omelchenko V. Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko (Z nahody 85-oi richnytsi z dnia narodzhennia i 60-oi richnytsi naukovo-akademichnoi diialnosti) [Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko (On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth and the 60th anniversary of scientific and academic activity)] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1969. No. 1–3. S. 86–94. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1964 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Dvi kontseptsii istorii Ukrainy i Rosii [Two concepts of the history of Ukraine and Russia]. Miunkhen: UVU, 1964. 52 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1969 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Vydatni zhinky Ukrainy. [Famous women of Ukraine]. Vinnipeh; Miunkhen, 1969. 160 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1956 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Do ideolohii «Istorii Rusiv» [To the ideology of «History of Ruthenians»] // Visnyk OOChSU. Niu-York, 1956. Ch. ХІІ. S. 12–17; 1957. Ch. 1. S. 14–22. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1962 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Istorychna nauka v Ukraini za sovietskoi doby ta dolia istorykiv // [Historical science in Ukraine during the Soviet era and the fate of historians] // Zapysky NTSh. Pratsi Istorychno-filosofichnoi sektsii. Zbirnyk na poshanu ukrainskykh uchenykh znyshchenykh bilshovytskoiu Moskvoiu. Paryzh; Chikaho, 1962. T.CLXXIII. S. 7–110. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1992 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Istoriia Ukrainy: U 2 t. T.1. Do seredyny XVII stolittia [History of Ukraine: 2 t. T.1. By the middle of the XVII century]. Kyiv: Lybid, 1992. 640 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1957 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Rets. na: Istoriia Rusiv. Pereklad V. Davydenka / Za red. O. Ohloblyna. Niu-York [Rec. on: History of Ruthenians. Translation by V. Davydenko / Ed. O. Ogloblyn New York, 1956 XXXI + 346 p.] // Zapysky UVU. Miunkhen, 1957. Ch. 1. S. 63–69. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1955, 1958 – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Ukrainska akademiia nauk (Narys istorii). [Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Essay on History)]. Chastyna I (1918-1930). Miunkhen, 1955. 152 s.; Chastyna II (1931 – 1941). Miunkhen, 1958. 216 s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1971a – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Ukrainska istoriohrafiia [Ukrainian historiography]. Miunkhen: Ukrainskyi Vilnyi Universytet (Skrypty: ch. 38), 1971. 104 + X s. [in Ukrainian]

Polonska-Vasylenko, 1971b – Polonska-Vasylenko N. Ukrainskyi Vilnyi Universytet (1921 – 1971) [Ukrainian Free University (1921 – 1971)] // Ukrainskyi istoryk, 1971. № 1–2. S. 17–27. [in Ukrainian]

Pritsak, 1993 – Pritsak O. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko: zhmut spohadiv // [Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko: a cluster of memoirs] // Polonska-Vasylenko N. D. Ukrainska akademiia nauk (Narys istorii). Kyiv, 1993. S. 5–7. [in Ukrainian]

Ulyanovsky, 1992 – Ulyanovsky V. Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko: shtrykhy do portreta [Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko: strokes to the portrait] // Polonska-Vasylenko N. Istoriia Ukrainy: U 2 t. T. 1. Do seredyny XVII stolittia. Kyiv: Lybid, 1992. S. V–LІV. [in Ukrainian]


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