
  • Olexandr Koziy Ph. D. (Historical sciences), Assistant Professor of Department of the World History and Special Historical Disciplines, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Oxana Horbachyk Ph. D. (History), Assistant Professor of Department of the World History and Special Historical Disciplines, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



landlords, manor estates, commodity-money relations, Podilsk province, serfdom, peasants


The article analyzes the development of commodity-money relations in the landowners' households of Podillia and characterizes its socio-economic consequences. The result of involvement of manor estates into the system of capitalist relations, the destruction of natural economy took place with the subsequent use of manufactory production and free-hired labor, which led to the intensification of the economic life of the region and the corresponding social changes.  The emergence of a deep contradiction in this process became one of the important factors for the abolition of serfdom in Russia. The purpose of this research is to study the development of commodity-money relations in the landlords' estates of Podillia and to characterize its socio-economic consequences. Research methodology. The research is based on the principles of historicism, comprehensiveness, objectivity and consistency. Also, in the presentation of the material we applied general scientific (analysis, synthesis, elements of the statistical method) and special-historical (problem-chronological, historical-typological, historical-system) theoretical methods. Scientific novelty lies in the attempt to comprehensively research the situation of the landlord estates of Podillia in the afore-mentioned period. Conclusions. Commodity-money relations found a further development in the landowners' estates of Podillia in the first half of the XIX century, which was destroying subsistence farming opening the way to the capitalist mode of production. At the same time, this led to the intensification of the economic life of the region with the corresponding social changes.


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