
  • Vasyl Ilnytskyi PhD hab. (History), Associate Professor, Head of the Ukraine’s History Department of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



UPA, Ukrainian liberation movement, TV-22 «Black Forest», structure.


The purpose of the study is to supplement the available information about the structure, staffing, special features of functioning one of the most important components of the UPA links – TV-22 «Black Forest» (1945 – 1946). The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, consistency, scientific character, verification, author's objectivity, moderate narrative constructivism, as well as on the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical-genetic, historical-typological, historical-systematic) methods. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the document on the functioning of one of the most important structural units of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) – Military Region (Ukrainian: Taktychnyi vidtynok) 22 «Black Forest» (report on the activities of Taktychnyi vidtynok 22 «Black Forest» (May 1945)) and the extract from the report of «sotnyk» (brigade commander) Kostiantyn Pryimak-«Pidhirskyi» (January 4, 1946) are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Conclusions. Therefore, each, even the smallest document can significantly help researchers to identify the person, known only for the pseudonym; to reveal the scale of the struggle in certain regions; to establish the detailed circumstances of a particular event. Particular scientific interest has the study of the history of military departments and sub-departments, which were directly fighting against all occupiers. Published documents significantly complement the picture of the Military Region (Ukrainian: Taktychnyi vidtynok) 22 «Black Forest». At the same time, we should note that the published documents are an important source of a comprehensive study of the Ukrainian liberation movement as a whole, the functioning of TV-22 «Black Forest», in particular.


Andrukhiv, 2008 – Andrukhiv I., Havryliuk S. Tysmenytsia [Tysmenytsia]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2008. 486 s.

Andrukhiv, Frantsuz, 2001 – Andrukhiv I., Frantsuz A. Stanislavshchyna: dvadtsiat buremnykh lit (1939 – 1959). Suspilno-politychnyi ta istoryko-pravovyi analiz [Stanislavshchyna: twenty violent years (1939 – 1959). Socio-political, historical and legal analysis]. Rivne–Ivano-Frankivsk: Vydavnycha firma «Talia», 2001. 335 s.

Andrukhiv, Frantsuz, 2008 – Andrukhiv I., Frantsuz A. Pravda istorii. Stanislavshchyna v umovakh teroru i represii: 1939 – 1959 roky: istoryko-pravovyi aspekt. Dokumenty i materialy [The truth of history. Stanislavshchyna under terror and repression: 1939 – 1959: historical and legal aspect. Documents and materials]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova zoria, 2008. 448 s.

Arsenych, 2007 – Arsenych P. Diialnist UPA ta zbroinoho pidpillia OUN na Prykarpatti / Do 65-richchia stvorennia UPA [Activities of the UPA and the armed underground of the OUN in the Carpathian region / to the 65th anniversary of the UPA]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2007. 216 s.

Viedienieiev, Bystrukhin, 2007 – Viedienieiev D., Bystrukhin H. Dvobii bez kompromisiv. Protyborstvo spetspidrozdiliv OUN ta radianskykh syl spetsoperatsii [An Uncompromising Combat. The Opposition of Special Subdivisions of OUN with Soviet Special Operations Forces]. 1945 – 1980-ti roky. Kyev: K.I.S., 2007. 568 s. [inUkrainian].

HDA SBU – Haluzevyi derzhavnyi arkhiv Sluzhby bezpeky Ukrainy [Sectoral State Archive of Security Service of Ukraine]. [in Ukrainian].

Hiletskyi, Slyvka, Slyvka, 2009 – Hiletskyi Y., Slyvka L., Slyvka R. Bohorodchanskyi krai: Z mynuloho v suchasnist [Bohorodchanskyi region: From the past to the present]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Misto NV, 2009. 128 s.

Demian, 2000 – Demian H. Banderivtsi [Banderivtsi]. Kyiv: Ukrainska Vydavnycha Spilka, 2000. Kn. 1. 130 s. [inUkrainian].

Zelenchuk, 1992 – Zelenchuk M. Ostanni salvy: 50-richchia UPA [The last salvos: the 50th anniversary of the UPA]. Kyiv, 1992. 35 s.

Ishchuk, 2010 – Ishchuk O. Zhyttia ta dolia Mykhaila Diachenka-«Marka Boieslava» [The life and fate of Mykhailo Diachenko–«Marko Boieslav»]. Litopys UPA. Seriia «Podii i liudy». Kn. 9. Toronto-Lviv: Litopys UPA, 2010. 140 s.

Kentii, 1999 – Kentii A. Narys borotby OUN–UPA v Ukraini (1946–1956 rr.) [On functioning of UPA departments in Chernivtsi land; An outline of the struggle of OUN-UPA in Ukraine (1946 – 1956)]. Kyiv, Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 1999. 111 s. [in Ukrainian].

Kyrychuk, 2003 – Kyrychuk Yu. Ukrainskyi natsionalnyi rukh 40–50-kh rokiv XX stolittia: ideolohiia ta praktyka [Ukrainian Nationalist Movement of 1940s – 1950s: Ideology and Practice]. Lviv, Dobra sprava, 2003. 464 s. [in Ukrainian].

Kmetiuk, 2012 – Kmetiuk I. Zrodylys my velykoi hodyny [We were born in the big hour]. Nadvirna: PrAT «Nadvirnianska drukarnia», 2012. 228 s.

Kohut, 1999 – Kohut M. Povstanska dolia Bairaka [The insurgent destiny of Bairak]. Drohobych, Vidrodzhennia, 1999. 48 s. [in Ukrainian].

Kohut, 2001 – Kohut M. Heroi ne vmyraiut… [Heroes Do Not Die] Kn. 1. Drohobych: Vidrodzhennia, 2001. 62 s. [inUkrainian].

Kohut, 2002 – Kohut M. Heroi ne vmyraiut… [Heroes Do Not Die] Kn. 2. Kalush: Arteks, 2002. 72 s. [inUkrainian].

Kohut, 2003 – Kohut M. Heroi ne vmyraiut… [Heroes Do Not Die] Kn. 4. Narys, spohady. Kalush: Arteks, 2003. 52 s. [inUkrainian].

Litopys UPA, 1990 – Litopys Ukrainskoi Povstanskoi Armii / uporiad. Petro Sodol. Toronto, Litopys UPA, 1990. T. 18: Hrupa UPA «Hoverlia». Dokumenty, zvity ta ofitsiini publikatsii [The UPA group «Hoverlia»: documents, reports and official publications]: Kn. 1. 328 s. [in Ukrainian].

Litopys UPA, 1992 – Litopys Ukrainskoi Povstanskoi Armii / uporiad. Petro Sodol. Toronto, Lviv, Litopys UPA, 1992. T. 19: Hrupa UPA «Hoverlia». Spomyny, statti ta vydannia istorychno-memuarnoho kharakteru [The UPA group «Hoverlia»: reminiscences, articles and publications of historical-memoirs character]: Kn. 2. 360 s. [in Ukrainian].

Melnyk, 2014 – Melnyk Petro sotnyk UPA P. Khmara. V ohni povstannia. UPA na vidtynku Chornoho Lisu (1943 – 1945) [Melnyk Petro sotnyk of the UPA P. Khmara. In the fire of the uprising. The UPA on the sector of Chornyi Lis (Black Forest) (1943 – 1945)]. Persha chastyna / [upor. Stepan Lesiv, Yaroslav Koretchuk]. Kalush: Vydavnytstvo «Karpatskyi aktsent», 2014. 272 s.

Myzak, 2011 – Myzak N. UPA-«Zakhid» i zbroine pidpillia OUN u borotbi za Ukrainsku 9 Samostiinu Sobornu Derzhavu u 1942 – 1960 rr. [The UPA-West and the armed underground of the OUN in the fight for Ukrainian Independent State in 1942 – 1960]. Chernivtsi-Toronto: Prut, 2011. 436 s.

Nadvirnianshchyna, 1992 – Nadvirnianshchyna: khresna doroha narodnoho boliu [Nadvirnianshchyna: the way of the cross of people's pain] / uporiad. Zvarchuk O.; za red. Dovhana Ya. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2008. 568 s.

OUN i UPA, 2005 – Orhanizatsiia Ukrainskykh Natsionalistiv i Ukrainska Povstanska Armiia. Istorychni narysy [The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army] / [za red. S. Kulchytskoho]. K.: Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2005. 496 s. [in Ukrainian].

Patryliak, 2012 – Patryliak I. «Vstan i borys! Slukhai i vir…»: ukrainske natsionalistychne pidpillia ta povstanskyi rukh (1939 – 1960 rr.) [«Stand up and fight! Listen and believe...»: the Ukrainian nationalist underground and insurgent movement (1939 – 1960)]. Lviv: Chasopys, 2012. 592 s.

Prodanyk, 2011 – Prodanyk D. Shliakh borotby Vasylia Senchaka-«Vorona» [Vasyl Senchak-«Vorona»’s way of struggle]. Litopys UPA. Seriia «Podii i liudy». Kn. 15. Toronto-Lviv: Litopys UPA, 2011. 128 s.

Rusnachenko, 2002 – Rusnachenko A. Narod zburenyi: Natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh v Ukraini y natsionalni rukhy oporu v Bilorusii, Lytvi, Latvii, Estonii u 1940 – 50-kh rokakh [The Revolted People: National liberation movement in Ukraine and national resistance movements in Belarus’, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in the 1940s – 1950s]. Kyiv, Universytetske vydavnytstvo «Pulsary», 2002. 519 s. [in Ukrainian].

Serhiichuk, 2005 – Serhiichuk V. Ukrainskyi zdvyh: Prykarpattia [the Ukrainian revolt: Sub-Carpathia]. 1939 – 1955 rr. K.: Ukrainska Vydavnycha Spilka, 2005. 840 s.

Sishchuk, 2009 – Sishchuk M. Movoiu serdets i dokumentiv [With the language of hearts and documents]. Drohobych: PP «Shvydkodruk», 2009. 512 s.

Sodol, 1994 – Sodol P. Ukrainska Povstancha Armiia [Ukrainian Insurgent Army]. 1943 – 1949: Dovidnyk pershyi. Niu-York: Proloh, 1994. 199 s. [inUkrainian].

Sodol, 1995 – Sodol P. Ukrainska Povstancha armiia [Ukrainian Insurgent Army] 1943 – 1949. Dovidnyk druhyi. Niu-York, 1995. 295 s. [in Ukrainian].

Tymiv, 2011 – Tymiv I. Bortnyky i Tlumachchyna 1939 – 1959 rr.: doslidzhennia, dokumenty, materialy [Bortnyki and Tlumachyna 1939 – 1959: studies, documents, materials]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2011. 491 s.

Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh, 2009 – Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh na Prykarpatti v XX stolitti. Dokumenty i materialy [Ukrainian national liberation movement in the Carpathian region in the twentieth century. Documents and materials] / [vidp. red. prof. Mykola Kuhutiak]. T. 2. Ivano-Frankivsk: KPF «LIK», 2009. Kn. 1: 1939 – 1945. 600 s.

Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh, 2010 – Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh na Prykarpatti v XX stolitti. Dokumenty i materialy [Ukrainian national liberation movement in the Carpathian region in the twentieth century. Documents and materials] / [vidp. red. prof. Mykola Kuhutiak]. T. 2. Ivano-Frankivsk: KPF «LIK», 2010. Kn. 2: 1945 – 1946. 696 s.

Arsenych, 2007 – Arsenych P. Diialnist UPA ta zbroinoho pidpillia OUN na Prykarpatti / Do 65-richchia stvorennia UPA [Activities of the UPA and the armed underground of the OUN in the Carpathian region / to the 65th anniversary of the UPA]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2007. 216 s.

Viedienieiev, Bystrukhin, 2007 – Viedienieiev D., Bystrukhin H. Dvobii bez kompromisiv. Protyborstvo spetspidrozdiliv OUN ta radianskykh syl spetsoperatsii [An Uncompromising Combat. The Opposition of Special Subdivisions of OUN with Soviet Special Operations Forces]. 1945 – 1980-ti roky. Kyev: K.I.S., 2007. 568 s. [inUkrainian].

HDA SBU – Haluzevyi derzhavnyi arkhiv Sluzhby bezpeky Ukrainy [Sectoral State Archive of Security Service of Ukraine]. [in Ukrainian].

Hiletskyi, Slyvka, Slyvka, 2009 – Hiletskyi Y., Slyvka L., Slyvka R. Bohorodchanskyi krai: Z mynuloho v suchasnist [Bohorodchanskyi region: From the past to the present]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Misto NV, 2009. 128 s.

Demian, 2000 – Demian H. Banderivtsi [Banderivtsi]. Kyiv: Ukrainska Vydavnycha Spilka, 2000. Kn. 1. 130 s. [inUkrainian].

Zelenchuk, 1992 – Zelenchuk M. Ostanni salvy: 50-richchia UPA [The last salvos: the 50th anniversary of the UPA]. Kyiv, 1992. 35 s.

Ishchuk, 2010 – Ishchuk O. Zhyttia ta dolia Mykhaila Diachenka-«Marka Boieslava» [The life and fate of Mykhailo Diachenko–«Marko Boieslav»]. Litopys UPA. Seriia «Podii i liudy». Kn. 9. Toronto-Lviv: Litopys UPA, 2010. 140 s.

Kentii, 1999 – Kentii A. Narys borotby OUN–UPA v Ukraini (1946–1956 rr.) [On functioning of UPA departments in Chernivtsi land; An outline of the struggle of OUN-UPA in Ukraine (1946 – 1956)]. Kyiv, Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 1999. 111 s. [in Ukrainian].

Kyrychuk, 2003 – Kyrychuk Yu. Ukrainskyi natsionalnyi rukh 40–50-kh rokiv XX stolittia: ideolohiia ta praktyka [Ukrainian Nationalist Movement of 1940s – 1950s: Ideology and Practice]. Lviv, Dobra sprava, 2003. 464 s. [in Ukrainian].

Kmetiuk, 2012 – Kmetiuk I. Zrodylys my velykoi hodyny [We were born in the big hour]. Nadvirna: PrAT «Nadvirnianska drukarnia», 2012. 228 s.

Kohut, 1999 – Kohut M. Povstanska dolia Bairaka [The insurgent destiny of Bairak]. Drohobych, Vidrodzhennia, 1999. 48 s. [in Ukrainian].

Kohut, 2001 – Kohut M. Heroi ne vmyraiut… [Heroes Do Not Die] Kn. 1. Drohobych: Vidrodzhennia, 2001. 62 s. [inUkrainian].

Kohut, 2002 – Kohut M. Heroi ne vmyraiut… [Heroes Do Not Die] Kn. 2. Kalush: Arteks, 2002. 72 s. [inUkrainian].

Kohut, 2003 – Kohut M. Heroi ne vmyraiut… [Heroes Do Not Die] Kn. 4. Narys, spohady. Kalush: Arteks, 2003. 52 s. [inUkrainian].

Litopys UPA, 1990 – Litopys Ukrainskoi Povstanskoi Armii / uporiad. Petro Sodol. Toronto, Litopys UPA, 1990. T. 18: Hrupa UPA «Hoverlia». Dokumenty, zvity ta ofitsiini publikatsii [The UPA group «Hoverlia»: documents, reports and official publications]: Kn. 1. 328 s. [in Ukrainian].

Litopys UPA, 1992 – Litopys Ukrainskoi Povstanskoi Armii / uporiad. Petro Sodol. Toronto, Lviv, Litopys UPA, 1992. T. 19: Hrupa UPA «Hoverlia». Spomyny, statti ta vydannia istorychno-memuarnoho kharakteru [The UPA group «Hoverlia»: reminiscences, articles and publications of historical-memoirs character]: Kn. 2. 360 s. [in Ukrainian].

Melnyk, 2014 – Melnyk Petro sotnyk UPA P. Khmara. V ohni povstannia. UPA na vidtynku Chornoho Lisu (1943 – 1945) [Melnyk Petro sotnyk of the UPA P. Khmara. In the fire of the uprising. The UPA on the sector of Chornyi Lis (Black Forest) (1943 – 1945)]. Persha chastyna / [upor. Stepan Lesiv, Yaroslav Koretchuk]. Kalush: Vydavnytstvo «Karpatskyi aktsent», 2014. 272 s.

Myzak, 2011 – Myzak N. UPA-«Zakhid» i zbroine pidpillia OUN u borotbi za Ukrainsku 9 Samostiinu Sobornu Derzhavu u 1942 – 1960 rr. [The UPA-West and the armed underground of the OUN in the fight for Ukrainian Independent State in 1942 – 1960]. Chernivtsi-Toronto: Prut, 2011. 436 s.

Nadvirnianshchyna, 1992 – Nadvirnianshchyna: khresna doroha narodnoho boliu [Nadvirnianshchyna: the way of the cross of people's pain] / uporiad. Zvarchuk O.; za red. Dovhana Ya. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2008. 568 s.

OUN i UPA, 2005 – Orhanizatsiia Ukrainskykh Natsionalistiv i Ukrainska Povstanska Armiia. Istorychni narysy [The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army] / [za red. S. Kulchytskoho]. K.: Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2005. 496 s. [in Ukrainian].

Patryliak, 2012 – Patryliak I. «Vstan i borys! Slukhai i vir…»: ukrainske natsionalistychne pidpillia ta povstanskyi rukh (1939 – 1960 rr.) [«Stand up and fight! Listen and believe...»: the Ukrainian nationalist underground and insurgent movement (1939 – 1960)]. Lviv: Chasopys, 2012. 592 s.

Prodanyk, 2011 – Prodanyk D. Shliakh borotby Vasylia Senchaka-«Vorona» [Vasyl Senchak-«Vorona»’s way of struggle]. Litopys UPA. Seriia «Podii i liudy». Kn. 15. Toronto-Lviv: Litopys UPA, 2011. 128 s.

Rusnachenko, 2002 – Rusnachenko A. Narod zburenyi: Natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh v Ukraini y natsionalni rukhy oporu v Bilorusii, Lytvi, Latvii, Estonii u 1940 – 50-kh rokakh [The Revolted People: National liberation movement in Ukraine and national resistance movements in Belarus’, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in the 1940s – 1950s]. Kyiv, Universytetske vydavnytstvo «Pulsary», 2002. 519 s. [in Ukrainian].

Serhiichuk, 2005 – Serhiichuk V. Ukrainskyi zdvyh: Prykarpattia [the Ukrainian revolt: Sub-Carpathia]. 1939 – 1955 rr. K.: Ukrainska Vydavnycha Spilka, 2005. 840 s.

Sishchuk, 2009 – Sishchuk M. Movoiu serdets i dokumentiv [With the language of hearts and documents]. Drohobych: PP «Shvydkodruk», 2009. 512 s.

Sodol, 1994 – Sodol P. Ukrainska Povstancha Armiia [Ukrainian Insurgent Army]. 1943 – 1949: Dovidnyk pershyi. Niu-York: Proloh, 1994. 199 s. [inUkrainian].

Sodol, 1995 – Sodol P. Ukrainska Povstancha armiia [Ukrainian Insurgent Army] 1943 – 1949. Dovidnyk druhyi. Niu-York, 1995. 295 s. [in Ukrainian].

Tymiv, 2011 – Tymiv I. Bortnyky i Tlumachchyna 1939 – 1959 rr.: doslidzhennia, dokumenty, materialy [Bortnyki and Tlumachyna 1939 – 1959: studies, documents, materials]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2011. 491 s.

Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh, 2009 – Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh na Prykarpatti v XX stolitti. Dokumenty i materialy [Ukrainian national liberation movement in the Carpathian region in the twentieth century. Documents and materials] / [vidp. red. prof. Mykola Kuhutiak]. T. 2. Ivano-Frankivsk: KPF «LIK», 2009. Kn. 1: 1939 – 1945. 600 s.

Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh, 2010 – Ukrainskyi natsionalno-vyzvolnyi rukh na Prykarpatti v XX stolitti. Dokumenty i materialy [Ukrainian national liberation movement in the Carpathian region in the twentieth century. Documents and materials] / [vidp. red. prof. Mykola Kuhutiak]. T. 2. Ivano-Frankivsk: KPF «LIK», 2010. Kn. 2: 1945 – 1946. 696 s.


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