


security, Security Service, OUN Overseas Security Service, KGB agents, assassinations, public trial, provocations.


The purpose of the study is to elucidate the structure principles and activities of the security units which served for the leader of the overseas part of Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists (hereinafter – ZCh OUN), Stepan Bandera. Another task of this publication is to analyze planned and committed attempts on his life. The methodology of the research is based on a combination of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical (historical-genetic, historical-typological, historical-systematic) methods with the principles of historicism, systemicity, scientism and verification. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in Ukrainian liberation movement historiography the structure and peculiarities of the functioning of the ZCh OUN leader’s security guards have been clarified, on the basis of previously unknown archival documents. The coverage of this topic not only supplements the biographical research devoted to Stepan Bandera but also considers the recondite episodes of the ZCh OUN Security Service (hereinafter – SB) activity. Conclusion. The analysis of Stepan Bandera security guards’ activity reveals both its advantages and disadvantages acquired during its advance. It was ascertained that the security unit was a part of the SB ZCh OUN. The first guard-commander was Mykhailo Banias – «Grytsko», he headed several junior guards. After him, the previously mentioned post was temporarily occupied by: Andriy Pelenychka – «Plevak», Yaroslav Bychkovych and Myron Karpynets. Vasyl Zbrozhyk – «Gayokha» was the last Bandera’s security guard supervisor, Vasyl Shushko was his last personal guardian, Vasyl Skolozdra was his driver and Dmytro Myskiv was his family security guard. Notwithstanding certain specialization pattern, the security guards functions were not quite clear and often duplicated. During 15 years of work, the  SB ZCh OUN had succeeded in neutralizing more than five assassinations attempts on Stepan Bandera. Nevertheless, given the inadequacy of forces and capabilities, the confrontation between SB and KGB (Committee for State Security of the Soviet Union) could not have lasted for too long.


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