
  • Ігор Підопригора post-graduate student of the Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defence University of Ukraine (Kyiv),



Naval Forces of Ukraine, information support of troops, information and propaganda support, historiography


The main idea of the article is to study the historiography of information and propaganda in the Navy of Ukraine.

Information and propaganda support of the Navy of Ukraine during 1992 – 2014 evolved in the anti-Ukrainian environment, in fact under conditions of the information war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, remaining an important factor in the development of the national navy, the training of military seamen in the national and historical traditions of the Ukrainian people, and the only effective tool for influencing the consciousness of naval servicemen.

During the years 1992 – 2014, the Navy of Ukraine gained a considerable experience in organizing information and propaganda support. Unfortunately, ignoring the experience of the previous years of building the national navy has led to the fact that today we are forced to take into account the problems of organizing information work in the forces in the context of hybrid warfare, and to reassess its place in providing troops through the prism of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The analysis of the research shows a certain interest of our scientists in the history of the creation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, its Naval Forces, the formation and development of the structures of moral education and the organization of moral and psychological support. Instead, the historical experience of organizing the information and propaganda support of the Navy of Ukraine during 1992 – 2014 remains unexplored. The peculiarities of the information work organization during the annexation of the Crimea by the Russian Federation in February-March 2014 remain little explored.

The study of historiography makes it possible to argue that previous researchers considered information and propaganda support mainly in the field of practical work in specific periods, without touching on a historical retrospective. The organization of information support in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is mainly covered in educational literature. The scientific works mainly covered and detailed those conceptual approaches that were already laid down in the guidance documents, and did not touch on the issues of information and advocacy in the context of the conduct of warfare.


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