
  • Ольга Гончар Ph D (History), senior research worker of department of Ukrainian historiography of Institute of history of Ukraine of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine



М. Коstomarov, D. Gumenna, spirituality, the Ukrainian past, Slavic mythology, historical and literary process, intellectual person


In the article appearance of Ukrainian intellectual person ХІХ – ХХ cn. lights up on the example of life and creation of Mykola Kostomarov (1817 – 1885) and Dokiiа Gumennа (1904 – 1996). Because of actualization of sociogumanitarian personological studios, figure of M. Kostomarov and D. Gumennа, is a sign for Ukrainian intellectual motion of two different epoches. A ХІХ cn. is examined as «golden age of history», crowned the pantheon of sign figures between which M. Kostomarov exudes with the unsurpassed scientific work. The merit of historian consists in the selection of ukrainians from multinational imperial social mass in historical, linguistic, literary, cultural, mental, intellectual senses. Important is a project of «new Ukraine», created by M. Kostomarov and kirilo-mefodiivsky companios. On a background the scientific and social and political activity M. Kostomarov was included in a list politically unreliable persons. Alike events took place from D. Gumenna in next age. In time of totalitarianism, when pressure on Ukrainian science and literature was carried out in accordance with a soviet national policy, an authoress on the way of the literary becoming grew into a derelict and forced was to emigrate from the USSR. Far outside a motherland it continued to create Ukrainian literature, glorifying the people. On the basis of analysis of creative biographies found out figures row of general subjects in relation to appearance and becoming of scientific and literary priorities. Considerable attention is spared dualizms «artist-family», «artist-power», «artist-surroundings», and others like that. Found out aspects, which certify the inheritance of traditions of Ukrainian intellectual motion which was formed during a XIX cn., and in the following became stronger, without regard to numerous barriers.


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