


Brest-Litovsk system, Versailles system, Peace Treaty of Trianon, «Cordon Sanitaire», monarchist counter-revolution, bases of monarchist counter-revolution, Finland, Regent baron Carl Gustav Mannerheim, Romania, King Ferdinand I, Hungary, Regent Mikloś Horthy, the Ukrainian State, Hetman Pavlo Skoro


The monarchical counter-revolution in Central and Eastern Europe arose also in some new states as a result of the collapse of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires and as a response to the Bolshevik expansion. The factors of the emergence of the monarchical counter-revolution were the following: the existence of state monarchical traditions (for example, in Finland and Hungary) and the presence of charismatic political and military leaders with monarchical views in the new states. Some new states with the republican form of rule became the bases of the monarchist counterrevolution in Russia (for instance, the Ukrainian State, the Great Don Host, Estonian Republic). The concentration of monarchical forces in the former Russian Empire was facilitated by German diplomacy.

Germany’s defeat of in World War I led to the renunciation of the representatives of the German dynasties in Finland and Lithuania. In Finland and Hungary the monarchist system was restored after the victory over the Reds, however, because the pressure from the Allies made these kingdoms bereft left of their kings. Whereas in Finland the counter-revolution won the victory independently, due to its own forces, the counter-revolution in Hungary was entered by Romanian intervention because of the weakness of the Hungarian Whites.

In fact, the diplomacy of the Allies through the support of the Russian Republican Whites, whose slogan was «A unified and indivisible Russia», led to the defeat of the monarchist counter-revolution in Russia and the survival of the Bolshevik regime. Moreover, some new state (the Ukrainian State and the Great Don Host) lost their independence and disappeared from the map of Europe. Under these conditions, the new regional powers (Finland and Romania) became the flanks of «Cordon Sanitaire».


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