


theatrical culture, Taras Shevchenko Mariupol Drama Theatre, German occupation, theater, repertoire.


The aim of this paper is to explore the main tendencies and changes that happened inside the development of theatre culture of Mariupol during the German occupation 1941 1943 years. Until this time, Mariupol theatre art wasn’t studied yet as single cultural phenomena, that is why it needs more detailed exploration.

Basing on these memories, published articles and reviews of various theatre critics master, the author has analyzed the specific activities of repertoire, the specific features of touring activities and also highlighted the artistic accomplishments of theatre team during the German occupation 1941 1943 years.

The main thesis of the article is the theatrical culture of Mariupol during the German occupation 1941 1943 years. The author considers the influence of society, «Enlightenment» in the development of theatrical art in the region. Considerable attention is paid to the repertoire, creative search of the cast and the main problems of the theater. In the article examines the role of the Theatre in cultural life of the region's population.

The research novelty of the article is specified by its involvement to the research references of new factual material from the history of Ukrainian theatre.

So then, at the period explored, the team of theatre has already succeeded with reasonable artistic revenues, it also has become rather than interesting and well-organized ensemble of actors which could decide complicated artistic plans. If the theater had a propagandistic significance for the occupation, for the inhabitants of the region it was able to revive Ukrainian culture, satisfy the basic needs of the population for information, artistic impressions, psychological relief.

Despite the hardships of everyday life and prevalence of propagandistic clichés, the cultural life did spring through the cracks and penetrated several domains. Cultural institutions under the Nazi rule, whose history remained shrouded in silence throughout the Soviet rule, still await a serious study. The results of the thesis can be may applied as the theoretical foundation for preparing materials on history and theoretical knowledge of Ukrainian culture, educational courses of cultural science, drama study with its encyclopedia publishers and methodological manuals


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