



infrastructure, tourism, Kievan Rus, tourist infrastructure, tourist resources, natural and historical and cultural monuments.


The article analyzes the history and development of domestic tourism infrastructure. The author came to the conclusion that the variety of natural and historical resources that historically contributed to the formation of a tourist product, became the basis for the creation of new recreational zones of tourist destination in Ukraine.

The history of the development of tourism infrastructure on the territory of Ukrainian lands began at the time of Kievan Rus. Today, it is a property of about 2,000 unique architectural monuments. Among them are the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and the St. Sophia Cathedral, which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the ruins of the Golden Gate, the Cyril and Andrew's churches, the Vydubytsky Monastery, the Vladimir Cathedral, the Mariinsky and Klovsky Palaces, the National Opera and Ballet Theater, the Unique Andreevsky Descent, the Architectural Kreschatik ensemble, about 30 museums, numerous monuments.

Development and improvement of Ukraine tourism infrastructure:

- Installation and advertising-information support of municipal Tourist Information Center on Independence Square;

- Construction and maintenance of parkings for excursion transport with appropriate road signs and markings;

- Installation of new and updating existing pointers to tourism objects translated into foreign languages (English);

- Installation of new and upgrade existing stands with route-mapping and tourist information in foreign languages (English);

- Improvement and construction of recreational areas in Hydroparks

- Development of tourist route "Everything starts in Kyiv"

- Construction of pedestrian areas and tourist attractions in Independence Square. Khreshchatyk Str., St. Sophia Square and St. Michael's Square;

- Construction of bicycle tourism infrastructure etc.

Disclosure of the theme became possible through the use of general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, system, generalization, concreteness, historicism and dialectical method. The scientific research also uses special scientific methods of research: historical-comparative, historical-synthetic, historical-diachronic, empirical analysis, etc.


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