



tourism, tourist enterprise, tourist business, tourist services, tourist activity.


The article analyzes the history of creation and considers the current problems of business planning of new tourist enterprises. The author came to the conclusion that historically the first tourist enterprises appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century. A tourist enterprise is a self-governing entity that owns the rights of a legal entity, which, on the basis of the use of a labor collective of property, produces and sells products, performs work, renders services in the field of tourism.

Іn 1872, Т. Cook formed a partnership with his son, John Mason Cook, and renamed the travel agency as Thomas Cook & Son. They acquired business premises on Fleet Street, London. The office also contained a shop which sold essential travel accessories, including guide books, luggage, telescopes and footwear. Thomas saw his venture as both religious and social service; his son provided the commercial expertise that allowed the company to expand.

In accordance with his beliefs, he and his wife also ran a small temperance hotel above the office. Their business model was refined by the introduction of the 'hotel coupon' in 1868. Detachable coupons in a counterfoil book were issued to the traveller. These were valid for either a restaurant meal or an overnight hotel stay provided they were on Cook's list.

Conflicts of interest between father and son were resolved when the son persuaded his father, Thomas Cook, to retire at the end of 1878. He moved back to Leicester and lived quietly until his death.

The firm's growth was consolidated by John Mason Cook and his three sons, especially by its involvement with military transport and postal services for Britain and Egypt during the 1880s, when Cook began organising tours to the Middle East.

In 1880, the Italian government joined Cook's tour company. The Italian economy benefited from additional tourism profits in which Cook programmed and executed as a system. Cook certainly played a key role in not only boosting the Italian economy but also bringing atmosphere and morale of Italian unification. Italians physically felt their country from place to place by traveling.

By 1888, the company had established offices around the world, including three in Australia and one in Auckland, New Zealand and in 1890, the company sold over 3¼ million tickets.

John Mason Cook promoted, and even led, excursions to, for example, the Middle East where he was described as "the second-greatest man in Egypt". However, while arranging for the German Emperor Wilhelm II to visit Palestine in 1898, he contracted dysentery and died the following year.

Disclosure of the theme became possible through the use of general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, system, generalization, concreteness, historicism and dialectical method. The scientific research also uses special scientific methods of research: historical-comparative, historical-synthetic, historical-diachronic, empirical analysis, etc.


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