



tourism, Czechoslovak Republic, Pidkarpatska Rus, Transcarpathia, Club of Czechoslovak tourists.


The article summarizes the features of tourism development in Transcarpathia in the Czechoslovak period. The achievements in development of tourism infrastructure, popularization of summer and winter types of rescreation were outlined. The role of activity of the Club of Czechoslovak tourists was determined.

         It was established, that іn the twenties - thirties of the twentieth century in Transcarpathia tourism begins to be seen not only as the direction of leisure of the population, but also as an integral sector of the economy, which is able to effectively use available capacity (natural, cultural, material and technical) and positive impact on the overall socio-economic development of the region More than two dozen tourist shelters (houses) mainly in mountainous areas were opened or renovated for tourists. More than 400 people were equipped to sleep in public buildings and institutions of hospitality. Almost 1000 km of hiking trails were marked. There were few dozen hotels, restaurants, canteens, coffee houses throughout Transcarpathia. The largest contribution to the development of tourism infrastructure in this period was made by members of the Club of Czechoslovak tourists.

         Improvement of transport infrastructure, such as roads, railways, air travel positively influenced the development of tourism.

         Much attention is paid to the popularization of tourism potential of Transcarpathia. Tourist guides and maps, some articles in complex journals were published, advertising information was spread on the pages of the press. Some tourist trains from Czechoslovak Republic and abroad were sent to Transcarpathia. Particular interest was shown by German, French, Italian, Hungarian tourists. The greatest admiration of visitors was caused by great mountain views that are complemented with historical and cultural sights, crafts and even household and industrial objects.

         Cultural, educational tours and active recreation prevailed, but recreation resorts were affected with decline. Ski tourism also developed. Ski trails on mountain areas were arranged. Ski competitions at various levels organized annually.


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