


«Lemkivshchyna», «Wisla» campaign, Polish-Ukrainian relations, historical memory, lemcology, deportations, Ukrainian diaspora.


The article deals with the problem of coverage of the «Wisla» campaign on the pages of the «Lemkivshchyna» magazine. It was discovered that this topic was devoted to the largest number of diverse materials (scientific article, journalistic performances, belle-letters works). It has been investigated that the greatest publication was devoted to the commemoration of the 35th and 40th anniversary of the tragedy of the Ukrainians' Zakerzonia. It has been emphasized on the prominent role of the «Lemkivshchyna» editorial board in launching the academic discourse of the "Wisla" campaign.

It was clarified that the «Lemkivshchyna» editorial board emphasized on the importance of collecting as much of the documents, evidences and facts about the events of 1947 as possible. For the purpose of this, the need to conduct interviews with the surviving witnesses on the destruction of Lemkivshchyna and store them in the form of video records for the archives of the Lemkivshchyna Research Foundation is vital. There was an appeal to collect the biggest amount of possible comparative photo material from the ancient (from before 1947) times and about the actual state of the same territories of Lemkivshchyna. There was discussion about the need to create scholarships for researchers who would like to work on the 1947th issue. At the same time, it was stressed on the necessity to publish all these works not only in Ukrainian, but also in world languages, mainly English. The idea was to find the historian of world glory who would write a monograph on these years in Lemkivshchyna. The «Lemkivshchyna» editors also appealed to Ukrainian patrons from the free world to raise funds for the funding of studies, research, scholarships and the publication of relevant materials on 1947, as well as to financially help those who want to return to their ancestral lands.

There has been pointed out the importance of humanistic pathos devoted to the resettlement of materials. It was in the reasoned deconstruction of stereotypes imposed on Ukrainians regarding their history, culture and national character. The conclusions states that the publications of «Lemkivshchyna» worked out as a relay race, forcing fraternal peoples to come to a joint assessment of the tragedies of the past in order to prevent them from happening in the future.


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