


displaced Ukrainians, West Germany, diseases, doctor, medical care.


In this article the state of health of displaced Ukrainians of postwar West Germany are clarified. The factors that influenced the health status of displaced Ukrainians are clarified: the general depletion of the body as a result of the Holodomor of 1932 – 1933 in Ukraine; stay in the 1930s in Stalin's concentration camps in Siberia and the Far East; chronic malnutrition and lack of vitamins, unsatisfactory living conditions, satisfaction of sexual needs without precautionary measures, stay in Nazi concentration camps during the World War ІІ; chronic malnutrition, uncomfortable housing conditions in the camps of displaced persons and psychological stress during their stay in post-war West Germany.

The diseases that the Ukrainians were afflicted with, in particular tuberculosis, syphilis, poliomyelitis, rickets, and gastroenterological diseases were identified. In addition, рrofessor Ivan Bazilevich named the new specific disease «morbus DP» (illness of «displaced persons»), which was characterized not only by bodily ills due to lack of nutrition and vitamins, poor living conditions in displaced people camps, but also by a number of psychos-nevrologic symptoms.

The level of medical care for displaced Ukrainians of post-war West Germany are analyzed. Most of the work was done by therapists in the displaced people camps, who were approached on various issues. Ukrainian doctors-dermatovenerologists not only treated, but also scientifically proved new opportunities in healing patients from sexually transmitted diseases. Among Ukrainian surgeons, it should be noted the head of the surgical department of the camp hospital in Regensburg, рrofessor Boris Andrievsky. He undertook to operate at first glance hopelessly ill patients; in difficult cases, he was looking for experts in Germany for a consultation, he got scarce medicines, often for my own money. The displaced Ukrainians made their contribution to the research of oncological diseases: Zinoviy Shtokal'ko in 1950 at the University of Munich received a doctor's degree, defending his thesis on the biochemistry of carcinogenesis, that is the emergence and development of a malignant tumor from a normal cell. Appeared displaced Ukrainians and the services of dentists due to tooth extraction, sealing, installation of bridges and prosthetics. Authoritative Ukrainian physician obstetrician-gynecologist in West Germany was Sofia Parfanovich. The sources contain references to the activities of otolaryngologists, oculists, helminthologists and neuropathologists. The sports medicine as a branch of medical science in post-war West Germany was not developed are clarified.


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