
  • Людмила Бабюк ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет ім. Григорія Сковороди», Ukraine



NEP, prostitution, prostitutes, woman, venereal diseases, measures, militia, departments of women.


The article deals with the development of prostitution as a social phenomenon on the territory of Soviet Ukraine during the years of the New Economic Policy (NEP) from 1921 to 1927. The purpose of the study was to reveal the main causes of the peculiarities of spreading measures of counteraction and consequences of prostitution in the Ukrainian SSR during the years of the NEP. Among them, it is worth highlighting a low standard of living, unemployment, low qualifications of women. Special attention is focused on the spread of prostitution, the explanation of the main causes and characteristics. The key measures of soviet power, aimed at eradicating prostitution and reeducation of prostitutes, are disclosed. The main departments that participated in the fight against prostitution are accentuated. The features of work in this direction are singled out. On the basis of analysis of sources and historiographical base, the consequences of the spread of prostitution and the results of the struggle with it are found.

The article discusses the main measures to combat prostitution including: advocacy, show trials, the organization of conferences, meetings, lectures, formation of special committees, the establishment of labor colonies for prostitutes and involvement of law enforcement agencies to raids. The first years of NEP policies were characterized by uncertainty about «flesh trade», resulting in a soft policy towards rehabilitation of prostitutes. The basic directions of propaganda against prostitution are revealed. Identified features of organizational and legislative measures aimed at combating this phenomenon. Detected criminal component prostitution and uncovered the role of police in exposing the «dens of debauchery». The prostitute's position regarding the criminal code of the USSR is determined. The main methods of rehabilitation of prostitutes are revealed: from public condemnation to the formation of labor colonies. The status of the prostitutes in the period of unrolling the NEP and the transition to the administrative-command system is determined.


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