



Northwest Priazovye, Mennonites, plantations, forest areas, Johann Kornis, dukhobors.


Features of afforestation in Northwest Priazovye in the 19th century are covered in article. Separately Johann and David Kornis's activity who have based unique forest plantations in the steppe is considered. Attention is paid to emergence and development of the Berdyansk, Altagirsky and Dzhekenlynsky forest dachas. Important aspect is educational function of forest areas. At them there was a school where boys were taught forestry.

Since 1846 in forest area study of boys to forest business has begun. At the beginning study lasted 5 years, later the term of study has been increased up to 6 years. For this period they not only gained knowledge and skills on afforestation, but also on agriculture, gardening, silkworm breeding, tobacco growing, truck farming. In the winter they learned to write, read and consider.

The first pupils were from continental counties of the Taurian province. Further for study began to take boys and from the Crimean Counties (uezdov). Pupils represented different nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, the Crimean Tatars (for example, in 1851 for study the Crimean Tatar from the village of Karagurt of the Evpatoriysky County of Asanas Selyamiyev, Nogais (in 1848 – Shemeredin Sakalov from the village Burkut of the Berdyansk County (uezd) has arrived).

Besides, in forest areas there passed alternative forest service Mennonites.

Introduction in 1874 of the general military duty has met sharp rejection of Mennonites whose dogma forbade to hold weapon in hand, and has caused their mass emigration to North America. As a result of negotiations between the government of the Russian Empire and leaders of the Mennonite communities there was a reached compromise according to which the general military duty for Mennonites has been replaced with alternative civil service in so-called forest teams.

Fundamental obligations of the Mennonites called on service and rules of an internal order in divisions regulated the Rules of service of Mennonites in forest area approved on July 14, 1880.

Agricultural works which were performed in forest areas – clearing of young growth, extermination of wreckers, collecting seeds, irrigation, repair of agricultural tools are analyzed.

For 1868-1917 different exhibitions - agricultural and forest, World and All-Russian, periodic, industrial and handicraft Fairs were organized. Demonstration of the achieved success in the field of agriculture and forestry of the Berdyansk forest area was their purpose. The commissions on drawing up collections for the Parisian World Fair which has taken place in 1867 were organized.

The international jury at this exhibition to the Berdyansk educational steppe forest area has awarded a bronze medal and to her the diploma for a collection of samples of tree species is given.


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How to Cite

Буцкий, П. (2017). FEATURES OF AFFORESTATION OF NORTHWEST PRIAZOVYE. EAST EUROPEAN HISTORICAL BULLETIN, (4). https://doi.org/10.24919/2519-058x.4.111457


