


agricultural resettlement, organized recruitment of workers, adaptation.


In the article on the basis of historiography and archive sources, the process of adaptation of the organized displaced population to URSR in the 1940 1960-ies is being investigated. The author identifies and analyzes the main factors that influenced the adaptation process, namely: the living standards of the displaced in new places and the relationship between age and adaptation process. At the same time, the article does not cover all the factors that influenced the process of adaptation of the organized displaced population. The prospect of further research is the study of a number of other factors, such as: gender, marital status, family ties, level of education.

Within the framework of the article, the measures of state power to secure resettled people in new places are analyzed. The relationship between the living conditions of new settlers and the degree of their survival has been revealed.

It was revealed that there is a clear connection between the living conditions and the level of survival of new settlers. The settlers, who could not fully meet their needs in a new place, were constantly eliminated. To living conditions from the point of view of survival, include: housing conditions, wages, level of medical care, provision of cultural and educational institutions, consumer services, urban improvement, etc.

The author came to the conclusion that the solution to the problem of consolidating the newly arrived labor resources depended on creating in the regions with a shortage of labor resources such living conditions that were not inferior but, on the contrary, exceeded the conditions of those regions from which the population arrived.


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Правда України. – № 216. – 7 жовтня 1947.


